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Disability Network Convenes in Minnesota

August 23, 2024

The Lutheran Services in America Disability Network (LSA-DN) met in Saint Paul, Minnesota, in late July, bringing together nearly 40 attendees representing 16 network organizations. The meeting was hosted in conjunction with Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, ACCORD and AbleLight. An emphasis of the meeting was to inform implementation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recent rule changes in long-term services and supports (LTSS) with an emphasis on home- and community-based services (HCBS). As such, the group was joined by Curtis Cunningham, director of LTSS at CMS. Curtis shared current priorities from CMS as they work through state guidance to support recent rule changes. He also provided timing updates and took questions from members to share further insights.

Another key priority of LSA-DN is improving the use of data analytics to guide and inform changes in practice with the shift to value-based care. As such, staff from Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota shared insights and perspectives on their recent changes to improve their use of data. Survey results were also shared more broadly about LSA-DN data use and presented for discussion. Other topics included partnership development and continuing to build out the LSA-DN strategy across advocacy, culture and innovation.

Contact me for more information.

Bill Kallestad is the Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for the Lutheran Services in America Disability Network.

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