Join us for a special Lutheran Services in America member reception during the 2019 LeadingAge Annual Meeting & Expo.
When: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. on October 27, 2019
Where: Indigo 206, Hilton San Diego Bayfront
RSVP today for the opportunity to network with your colleagues from the senior services world and fellow members of the Lutheran Services in America network from across the country.
Meet Our Panelists at LeadingAge
Representatives from Lutheran Services in America member organizations will speak at the 2019 LeadingAge Annual Meeting and Expo.
- Gregory Poole-Dayan, COO, Wartburg
- Amanda Young, Director, Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Inc.
- Kay Weidner, Vice President of Quality, SpiriTrust Lutheran
- Jonathan Golm, President, WeCare Connect a subsidiary of Wellspring Lutheran
- Jennifer Rautzhan, Vice President for Human Resources Services, Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
- Marysue Moses, Dimensions Program Coordinator, Ebenezer Management Services
- Mary Jo Zeller, Director, MySolutions, The Arlington in Naples - a Lutheran Life Community
- Keith Frndak, President & CEO, Concordia Lutheran Ministries
- Christie Hinrichs, President & CEO, Tabitha Health Care Services
- Julie Davis, Marketing Director, Concordia Life Care Community
- Larry Bradshaw, CEO, National Lutheran Communities & Services
The 2019 LeadingAge Annual Meeting & Expo member reception is made possible through a generous gift from Ziegler.