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Great Plains Senior Services Collaborative 2019 Training Conference

    Lutheran Services in America will convene the Great Plains Senior Services Collaborative for a training conference this fall at the Chico Hot Springs Resort in Chico, Montana. The dates for the event are September 30-October 2. Background:  Older adults in rural communities experience poorer health, higher poverty rates and have limited access to community-based programs. The Great Plains Collaborative provides services and supports to underserved rural older adults in Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. The Collaborative’s programs help vulnerable seniors maintain their independence, remain in their homes and communities, and live with purpose and meaning. This goal of this conference is to provide a training, networking and teambuilding experience that equips Great Plains Collaborative program staff with new skills and tools to improve service delivery. Potential training content includes:
    • LSA SeniorConnect, a new LSA health care product which helps seniors stay healthy and independent
    • Service coordination
    • Program marketing
    • Motivational interviewing
    • Program sustainability
    • Simply Connect, a software solution for client tracking and care coordination
    For more information about this event, please contact David Zauche at dzauche@lutheranservices.org.

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