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Hot Topics in Federal Policy

    A Discussion with Lutheran Services in America

    Please join the Lutheran Services in America public policy team and your fellow members for an update and discussion of the current hot topics in federal policy and what that means for you. This is part of a recurring series of calls.
    • 1–1:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, November 19, 2019
    • An agenda and dial-in information will be circulated to those who have submitted RSVPs. Additional details to come.
    Scheduled to join the Lutheran Services in America public policy team as a guest speaker this month is a senior Senate Finance Committee advisor on health policy: Anne Dwyer, Senior Health Counsel to Ranking Member (senior Democrat) Ron Wyden (D-Oregon). Anne plans to update us on the work her boss is doing that will directly impact you and your organization in the following areas:
    • Any possible Congressional action related to federal approval of Medicaid “block grant” waivers to states that would cut or cap funding for the program
    • Congressional action supporting recruitment, retention and development in the workforce of direct care professionals
    • Medicaid provider reimbursement rates
    If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Dobson, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, at sdobson@lutheranservices.org or 202-499-5832.

    Our Neighbors,


    Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

    Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.