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STRENGTH & SERVICE SERIES Mind the Gap: Recruiting and Retaining to Fill Important Hiring Shortages

  • June 2, 2022

2:00 p.m. ET

As the country rebounds from the pandemic, front-line workers are continuing to battle stress and burnout. Increased competition means that some are choosing other jobs, while others are choosing not to return to the workforce. Lutheran social ministry organizations, and in particular senior care facilities, are facing high staffing shortages while demand for care increases. How can senior care better support and retain the direct care workforce while also competing for new workers? Learn about what is driving the staffing shortage in long-term care, hear predictions about the sector’s future, and empower your frontline leaders by providing tangible ways to change your culture to drive retention and attract new employees.


  • Katy Bunn, Senior Vice President of Leaders and Industry Growth at Paycor

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