Home > Events > Reimagining Diversity Collaborative Convenings


PROGRAM COLLABORATIVES & MEETINGS Reimagining Diversity Collaborative Convenings

  • June 22, 2022

1:00 pm ET

    The Reimagining Diversity Collaborative brings together CEOs and board members in the Lutheran Services in America network to discuss ways to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in a safe and trusted learning environment. The Collaborative will provide a foundation for raising awareness and understanding of DEI and tools to support organizations in applying DEI within their organizations and in their services in the community.


    Four sessions are planned that include three virtual and one in-person at the CEO Summit:

    • November 17, 2021: Session #1: Virtual; 1–3 p.m. ET
    • January 26, 2022: Session #2: Live at CEO Summit in Tampa, Florida
    • March 23, 2022: Session #3: Virtual; 1–3 p.m. ET
    • June 22, 2022: Session #4: Virtual; 1–3 p.m. ET

    Learn More

    Visit our Reimagining Diversity webpage or contact Susan Newton at snewton@lutheranservices.org.

    Our Neighbors,


    Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

    Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.