HUD Staffing
Our partners at the National Low Income Housing Coalition are circulating a sign-on letter to address the planned staff changes at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Trump Administration is expected to terminate at least half of all HUD employees, making it significantly more difficult for states and communities to access the federal housing, community development, and homelessness investments they need to address their most pressing challenges. Learn more.
ICYMI: The National Homelessness Law Center recently hosted a web forum on Trump, Homelessness and the Road Ahead. Access the recording and transcript.
The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) is bipartisan legislation introduced in the House and Senate to expand and strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) to encourage private investment in the development and preservation of affordable housing. The Action Campaign is seeking help to build broader support and co-sponsorship for this bill. You can learn more here.
Sue Polis is Vice President of Public Relations and Government Affairs at Lutheran Services in America.