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Leadership Rooted in Lived Experience

August 26, 2024

This month, the Lutheran Services in America team led the latest Lived Voices Fellowship convening in Washington, D.C., a cohort of 17 dynamic change leaders from across the network who are dedicating their careers to service in community. What sets this group of leaders apart is that they have navigated public systems and experienced poverty, substance abuse, housing insecurity and other challenges, and through their resilience, are committed to build on their experiences to drive positive change within their organizations and communities.

What is the Lived Voices Fellowship and who participates?

The fellowship offers these leaders an opportunity to make meaning of their own unique experiences, forge new connections, and hone skills that will empower them to effect meaningful change in their communities. The fellowship represents a departure from traditional leadership programs in that it is an exploration of resiliency, empowerment, and healing, with a focus on amplifying voices that have often been marginalized.

The roles of these change leaders across the network vary widely; some serve as counselors, program leads, brand ambassadors and community outreach specialists, while others lead operations or are in the C-suite. Through their work, they collectively support older adults, strengthen families and create pathways for employment and other services for new Americans. All are fueled by a commitment to make the world a better place.

What was the emphasis of the recent convening?

The convening was led by the expertise of our Lutheran Services in America staff and facilitators from Just Build Village Then, including a pivotal session with the Frameworks Institute.

“This fellowship changed my life forever! I’ve been to many trainings and conferences where the conversation has been about change in our systems and community, but very few focus on healing and change in ourselves,” said Jessica Strauch of the St. John’s United C.A.R.E.S Wraparound Program. “I had the opportunity to be in a space with other leaders with lived experience and together we had the opportunity to dig deep into what brought us to this work. I cried, reflected, and gave myself the opportunity and space to step into my story.”

What comes next?

As part of this fellowship, our fellows are currently engaging with professional mentors through the Lived Voices Fellowship Peer Mentoring Program. This key component is designed to foster meaningful connections between fellows and seasoned leaders within our network. Inspired by Marshall Ganz’s Public Narrative model, this journey includes shared self-discovery, collective identity formation, and actionable commitment. This mentorship phase will enable our fellows and senior leaders to identify collaborative opportunities for innovation and impact, driving positive transformation within Lutheran Services in America, our member organizations, and beyond.

Many thanks to Ascentria Care Alliance, Bethel New Life, Gemma Services, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, Lutheran Social Services of Southern California, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, the Evangelical Good Samaritan Society and others for joining us. This is the Lutheran Services in America network!

Alesia Frerichs is President & CEO of Lutheran Services in America. Renada Johnson is Senior Director of Children, Youth and Family Initiatives at Lutheran Services in America.

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