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Press Releases & Statements HHS Publishes Lutheran Services in America Article on Transforming Child Welfare

August 19, 2020

The official e-magazine for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families published an article by Lutheran Services in America’s Sheila Weber about how the intersection of several devastating realities in our society are having a disparate impact on Black people, indigenous populations, and people of color in America, particularly children. Part of the solution to this issue involves shifting our thinking from how to protect children in families that are in crisis to creating societal conditions that equitably protect and strengthen families.

Lutheran Services in America’s Results Innovation Lab is activating our members serving children, youth, and families to stabilize families in their communities so that families remain intact and children do not enter out-of-home care. Furthermore, we are calling for much-needed state and federal investments in primary prevention efforts that strengthen families’ protective capacities and factors.

Read the complete article published by Children’s Bureau Express (CBX).

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