Home > Newsroom > Lutheran Services in America Honors Results Innovation Lab Leaders with Inaugural Beacon and Scion Awards

Press Releases & Statements Lutheran Services in America Honors Results Innovation Lab Leaders with Inaugural Beacon and Scion Awards

June 23, 2021

WASHINGTON — Lutheran Services in America, a national network of 300 health and human services organizations that improve the health and quality of life of one in 50 Americans each year, presented the inaugural set of two new awards during a virtual member recognition ceremony today to leaders within its Results Innovation Lab. Lutheran Services in America honored three peer coaches from the Results Innovation Lab with the Beacon Award and three leaders with the Scion Award.

The Beacon Award recognizes peer coaches from the Results Innovation Lab for advancing transformative change for children, youth and families through exceptional leadership across the Lutheran Services in America network. Lutheran Services in America bestowed the 2021 award on Beverly Jones, vice president and chief operating officer at Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, Rebecca Kiesow-Knudsen, chief operating officer at Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, and Amanda Krzykowski, director of performance and quality improvement at Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.

The Scion Award recognizes leaders for their commitment to learning and development in the Results Innovation Lab and dedication to improving outcomes for children, youth and families. Lutheran Services in America honored Tonya Blasen, director of service quality at Lutheran Services in Iowa, Jere Murry, executive director for Children’s Community Services at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, and Jason Sroufe, division director for family services at Wellspring Lutheran Services.

The Lutheran Services in America Results Innovation Lab is a collaborative learning model focused on creating new, innovative approaches for strengthening families in crisis and ensuring that young people reach their full potential. The Results Innovation Lab’s data-driven methodology enables organizations to address underlying racial disparities that stack the deck against children and families of color.

“The impact Bev, Rebecca and Amanda have had on strengthening the Results Innovation Lab’s impact on children and families cannot be overstated,” said Charlotte Haberaecker, president and CEO of Lutheran Services in America. “Their unwavering dedication is creating new solutions to tackle inequities that disproportionately affect children and families of color, thereby opening a path for thousands of children to lead safe, healthy and productive lives. Likewise, the extraordinary leadership exhibited by our Scion Award winners is truly inspiring.

Lutheran Services in America launched the Results Innovation Lab in 2016 with the goal of dramatically improving equitable outcomes for 20,000 children and their families by 2024.


About Lutheran Services in America

Lutheran Services in America is a national network of Lutheran social ministry organizations — connecting over 300 health and human service providers located throughout the country. Recognized by The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Forbes as one of the nation’s largest nonprofits, the Lutheran Services in America network operates with more than $22 billion in annual revenue and over 250,000 member employees. Together, the network lifts up the nation’s most vulnerable people from children to seniors — making a difference in the lives of one in 50 Americans every year. To learn more, visit www.lutheranservices.org.

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