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Press Releases & Statements New Lutheran Services in America Board Members Enhance Robust Faith Tradition

May 4, 2023

WASHINGTON — Lutheran Services in America, a national network of 300 health and human services organizations that reaches one in 50 people in the United States each year, announces today the appointment of two new board members: Bill Andrews and the Rev. Barbara Lund.

With over three decades of experience in the specialty materials industry, Andrews’ service and leadership provides the Lutheran Services in America board of directors with a wide variety of financial knowledge and skills. Throughout his career, Andrews has supported nonprofits in delivering successful outcomes as a board member at the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania and as board president of the Lutheran Services in America member organization Silver Springs – Martin Luther School, which underwent a strategic merger in 2019 under his leadership to become Gemma Services. Andrews is a longstanding member of Lutheran congregations, including St. Luke Lutheran Church in Devon, Pennsylvania, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Lund is the senior director for operations and innovation for the Evangelical Lutheran Church Service and Justice Home Area. Lund’s team leads the ELCA’s engagement in service, promotes efforts to call and act for justice and defends the freedom of Christians to love and serve their neighbor globally and locally. Under her direction, the ELCA’s global and domestic ministries deepen and extend the ELCA’s faith in action. Lund has held several positions with the Global Mission Unit at ELCA, including Asia Pacific desk director, East Asia program director, global mission events director and pastor at Tokyo Union Church in Tokyo. Lund received her Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary.

“I am honored to welcome to our board two incredibly talented and faithful leaders who bring a strong commitment to Lutheran social ministry,” said Alesia Frerichs, president and CEO of Lutheran Services in America.

Andrews and Lund will each serve three-year terms. They join a respected group of 12 health, faith and corporate leaders from a diverse range of professional backgrounds across the country.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to support this national nonprofit organization that brings together Lutheran social ministries across the country to innovate new approaches and impact communities at scale,” said Andrews.

“It is an honor to join the Lutheran Services in America board of directors,” said Lund. “I am passionate about the work the organization is doing and its bold efforts to respond to God’s call to love and care for our neighbors across the United States.”

About Lutheran Services in America
Lutheran Services in America is a national network of 300 health and human services organizations that reaches one in 50 people in the United States each year. Recognized by The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Forbes as one of the nation’s top nonprofit organizations, the Lutheran Services in America network operates with more than $23 billion in combined annual revenue. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Lutheran Services in America leads innovative collaborations with its member organizations and partners in philanthropy, academia, healthcare and business to address the most critical challenges in our communities and empower people to lead their best lives.

To learn more, visit lutheranservices.org or find us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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