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Nonprofits Push 116th Congress to Provide Relief Before Adjourning

December 2, 2020


By Sarah Dobson, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, and Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Congressional leaders are currently negotiating a year-end package to fund the government for the remainder of fiscal year 2021. While efforts are underway to include some COVID-19 relief priorities—including additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and the Provider Relief Fund—Lutheran Services in America is pushing Members of Congress to ensure that all our crucial priorities are included in what is likely to be the last legislative package for the year. These priorities include:

  • Access to forgivable loans for nonprofits of all sizes, including those with 500+ employees.
  • An increase in the federal unemployment insurance reimbursement for self-funded nonprofits to 100 percent of costs
  • Additional targeted financial resources for nonprofit front line health and human services providers.
  • Increased funding of $2 billion for vulnerable children and youth
  • A strong infusion of additional fiscal relief for state and local governments

Nonprofits need help now. Lawmakers must address the urgent remaining needs of nonprofit health and human services providers before adjourning this month. The future of our network’s service to the most vulnerable in our communities depends on new legislation.

Your participation is more important than ever; join us in writing to your lawmakers.

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.