Our Network


lutheran services families
children services
disability services
elderly care services

Through collaborations with our network member organizations, as well with leaders in healthcare, philanthropy, academia and business, Lutheran Services in America advances solutions and drives systemic change to enable all people in America to lead their best lives.

Together, we support families, we empower children to grow up to be healthy, productive adults, and we enable veterans, older adults and people with disabilities to live with dignity and independence in the community of their choice.

View our complete list of 300 member organizations in 1,400 communities across the country.


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Select the pane open button on the top left side of the map title to explore our members’ work

Our interactive map and state fact sheets illustrate the breadth of our network’s programs and services and powerful impact on people and communities across the United States.

Using the map, you can select the orange pinpoints to learn more about every location of our member organizations or select the pane open button on the left side of the map title to explore our members’ work in specific areas, such as senior services or housing.

These resources were created using the most up-to-date information available to our Public Policy & Advocacy team and reflect each state where Lutheran Services in America member organizations have a presence.

Contact Sarah Dobson, Senior Director of Public Policy & Advocacy, at sdobson@lutheranservices.org.


Mill Neck Boosts Vaccination Education in New York

Through our network's partnership with the National Council on Aging, Mill Neck is helping New Yorkers become more aware of the importance of being vaccinated and how it keeps them protected through recently produced PSAs.

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Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Spreads Holiday Warmth with Blanket Drive for Older Adults

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest is bringing early Christmas cheer to seniors, delivering blankets directly to their homes.

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New Headquarters Marks “New Beginning” for Lutheran Family Services

The new headquarters allows Lutheran Family Services to continue its mission of bringing safety, hope and wellbeing to the people it serves.

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LCS Northwest Supports Afghan Family’s Search for New Home

Many refugees who seek asylum in the United States end up living on the streets while seeking a home. Lutheran Community Services Northwest steps in to fill the gap to help refugees like Hamid Stanikzai rebuild their lives.

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Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.