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Tis the Season to Find Purpose Through Spiritual Reading

December 22, 2021

The Christmas season is a natural time to reflect on our own lives and the experiences of others. The holiday season brings a renewed sense of faith for many and sparks a curiosity in learning more about the world in which we live.

While Christmas is generally a time of happiness and celebration, it is also a stressful period, especially for many older adults who face less involvement with loved ones. SpiriTrust Lutheran in Pennsylvania is proactively engaging older adults in its communities to ensure their well-being. December is Spiritual Literacy Month, which encourages people to deepen one’s faith or gain a broader understanding of another spiritual practice. To celebrate, SpiriTrust is recommending residents read about spirituality, faith or religion, even if one is not particularly religious. In promoting this month’s observance, the organization quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson in saying, “Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”

For decades, SpiriTrust has played an important role in providing compassionate care and support to older adults in its communities to ensure their well-being and help them achieve an optimal quality of life. SpiriTrust created its Spirit360 program to inspire meaningful purpose in the lives of residents by empowering them with continued growth opportunities for wellness in body, mind and spirit. The program fully integrates seven dimensions of wellness to encompass every aspect of life, supporting active aging and well-being so residents can live as fully as possible. Spirit360 emphasizes purposeful, enriching experiences amongst its residents, and encourages them to move forward with enthusiasm and positivity.

Our network focuses on empowering older adults and others to help build strong and thriving communities. This work transcends demographic lines, covering people of all races and ages. At a time when aging is sometimes associated with a missing sense of purpose, we are committed to enabling older adults to age with dignity and respect, during the Christmas season and beyond.

SpiriTrust Lutheran is a member of Lutheran Services in America, a nonprofit that harnesses a nationwide network of 300 health and human services organizations to change lives in communities across America. Together, the network works with one in 50 people in America each year.

Learn more about SpiriTrust Lutheran and its Spirit360 program.

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