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Today’s Front Line Hero: Compass Health

July 23, 2020

By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Compass Health for its innovation and expansion of behavioral health services to address increased needs during the pandemic.

Compass Health serves nearly 17,000 clients each year in Northwest Washington with services including mental health treatment, crisis prevention and intervention, supportive housing, children’s services across five counties. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Compass Health has been on the front lines, serving individuals at high risk of complications from the virus.

The COVID-19 pandemic created increased need for behavioral health resources, and Compass Health rose to meet that need. The non-profit secured $1.24 million in philanthropic donations from community partners and grants to expand its reach. The funding will support vital mental health and substance abuse treatment, the implementation of Compass Health’s telehealth systems, as well as other community supports and resources like PPE. Compass Health is looking forward, and preparing for the long-term impact the virus poses to mental and physical health.

The expansion of Compass Health’s telehealth services greatly increased community’s access care. Throughout March of 2020, Compass Health saw a decrease in clients seeking treatment because they were staying home. In response, Compass Health dramatically expanded its mobile telehealth system and trained more than 500 behavioral health professionals to deliver care remotely. By May, about 40% of all billable services were delivered via telehealth.

Thank you to Compass Health for your rapid innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to the community partners who believe in Compass Health’s work and supported them financially.

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