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Today’s Front Line Hero: Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center

December 7, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center in Brush, Colorado, for its communal approach to protecting residents from COVID-19.

Eben Ezer leans on its Christian heritage and appreciation for innovation to offer premium person-directed care for older adults and people with disabilities in northeast Colorado. The organization recognizes its residents as individuals with distinct needs and interests, and creates an environment with that in mind that accounts for their emotional and mental well-being in addition to the physical. Companionship, meaningful activity and variety are crucial components of life that Eben Ezer incorporates into the long-term care it delivers.

Eben Ezer prides itself as being not only a provider of continuum care for older adults but an advocate for their health on a larger scale as well. This commitment has taken on new meaning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In October, Eben Ezer CEO Shelly M. Griffith penned an open letter to residents of Morgan County, where the organization is based, to both assure them that the center was doing everything it could to keep its residents safe and to enlist the help of the community as a whole to adhere to health guidelines. Taking simple steps like wearing a mask and social distancing, Griffith wrote, would go a long way to prevent the spread of the virus—and save many lives in the process.

Thank you to Eben Ezer for your transparency and innovative approaches to curbing the coronavirus and keeping those who are at greater risk safe.

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