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Today’s Front Line Hero: Genacross Lutheran Services

September 21, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Genacross Lutheran Services, which is forming partnerships to achieve better outcomes for seniors.

Genacross Lutheran Services provides care for seniors, youth, and families in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Though Genacross has a rich history with more than 150 years of service, the organization is quick to adapt. Genacross is committed to embracing change and innovation so its ministry can continue to evolve to meet current needs, and serve seniors and families as effectively as possible.

In the spirit of innovation, Genacross partnered with a comprehensive medication management solutions company called Cosana and Simply Connect, a cutting edge technology platform. Genacross entered into the pilot project with the aim of improving resident outcomes and saving on prescription costs through medication assessments, and saw great success.

The pilot included one-on-one work with individuals at Genacross senior residential facilities to gain a more complete, holistic view of the patients’ health and protocols. The average age of the pilot participants was 75 years old. At the beginning of the project, participants took an average of 11 medications. The project successfully reduced the patients’ daily medication intake by nearly three prescriptions on average, and improved outcomes by reducing the risk of complications and side-effects from the medications. The project also cut healthcare costs for the residents and for Genacross, saving an average of more than $3,000 per patient per encounter.

Thank you to Genacross Lutheran Services for your ongoing commitment to innovation and improved outcomes for those you serve!

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