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Today’s Front Line Hero: Luther Home of Mercy

April 20, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Luther Home of Mercy in Williston, OH, which is working to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those they serve. Luther Home of Mercy serves adults with developmental disabilities through a variety of ministries, including residential options, supported living, and day programs.

Typically, residents at Luther Home of Mercy are able to gather for weekly Bible studies and chapel services, but the need to social distance due to COVID-19 has put those weekly in-person gatherings on hold. Expressions of faith remain important to many residents at Luther Home of Mercy, and staff wanted to provide them with ways to worship safely. Throughout Holy Week, Luther Home of Mercy streamed religious services so residents could participate, and a local church even donated palms for Palm Sunday! Residents could also see the Easter bunny on Easter Sunday morning, who kept a safe distance outside their windows.

Thank you, Luther Home of Mercy, for meeting the holistic needs of those you serve during the COVID-19 pandemic, and finding creative ways to celebrate Easter, and all of Holy Week.

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