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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Church Charities

August 17, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Church Charities, whose K-9 Comfort Dogs are offering much needed joy and comfort throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lutheran Church Charities is headquartered in Northbrook, IL, and its mission is to “Share the mercy, compassion, presence, and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need.” Lutheran Church Charities provides support to those who have suffered loss or serious illness of a loved one through the Hearts of Mercy and Compassion program, disaster and crisis response in the wake of natural disasters, and the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Lutheran Church Charities has continued offering the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry visits virtually, recognizing that the support these visits provide are particularly important when stress is high. The K-9 Comfort Dogs also recently visited the inmates at DuPage County Jail, providing comfort, unconditional love, and good ears. Alongside the Comfort Dogs, the inmates read books to their children, and the stories were recorded on tape to be sent to their children. The books were donated by SCARCE (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education), so the children could have a copy of the book read by their parent. The Comfort Dogs are often present at community gatherings, showing their love at events to commemorate the victims of gun violence, and making visits to senior living communities.

Thank you to Lutheran Church Charities for supporting your community through the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry throughout the pandemic!

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