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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains

December 2, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains in Colorado for elevating the importance of mental health for our nation’s veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

LFS considers the mental and emotional well-being of its community a top priority. As the stress and anxiety of the pandemic takes a deeper toll, the organization remains committed to support people who have been affected by COVID-19; LFS provides services through a partnership with the Colorado Spirit Crisis Counseling Program to support people during their recovery.

This past Veterans Day, LFS took an extra step in its recognition of those who serve in uniform. As one of 19 contracted providers of confidential mental and emotional support in Colorado, the organization’s Colorado Spirit Wellness Program hosted a panel of health and human service professionals to explore the difficulties posed by COVID-19 and the resources that are available to veterans, active duty servicemembers, and their families. The panel provided an opportunity to not only hear stories about traumatic situations but to relay important resources related to mental health for the veteran community.

Thank you to LFS for your service to the veteran community and for all individuals seeking a helping hand through this stressful time.

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