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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd

January 25, 2021

By Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd in New Rockford, North Dakota, has had to adjust its daily activities to ensure that all residents are getting some form of daily interaction. Our residents’ safety is our number one priority, and our activity staff has gone above and beyond to ensure that all residents are enjoying daily activities at a safe distance.

Last year for Oktoberfest (a German festival) the activity staff dressed up as German beer servers in the traditional lederhosen suspenders, tall white socks, kakis, and a white shirt. It was a fun-filled German day where we all enjoyed root beer and polka music . . . COVID-19 style! We are so thankful for our front-line workers who go above and beyond to bring a little sunshine into our residents’ days!

Our Neighbors,


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