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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Life Villages

June 17, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Life Villages, which is publicly thanking its staff for their hard work during the COVID-19 pandemic, including posting messages of gratitude on billboards.

Lutheran Life Villages is a senior living facility with four campuses in Northeast Indiana, and is committed to ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for residents and compassionate, high-quality care. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Lutheran Life Villages has been creatively engaging its residents by offering activities such as social distancing Bible trivia and Bingo, virtual boxing classes, and ice cream carts delivering treats to residents’ homes.

The staff at Lutheran Life Villages have been working hard to ensure that residents are safe, and feel connected to their community. Staff have implemented strict protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and are encouraging the residents to increase handwashing and sanitizing. The staff are also going out of their way to provide fun activities. One member of the dining staff played the saxophone to entertain the residents, and there always seem to be fun themed days and safe, socially distanced events.

Lutheran Life Villages is grateful for their staff’s continuous, creative, and compassionate work to serve the residents. There have been “dress like a rock star days,” to recognize that the staff are rock stars, and campaigns encouraging residents to send notes of gratitude to staff for their hard work. Lutheran Life Villages even posted messages thanking staff for their work on billboards around town.

Thank you to the staff at Lutheran Life Villages for your dedication to the residents, and to the administration for recognizing them publicly!

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