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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM)

April 7, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM), which is faithfully serving the most vulnerable people in Northeast Ohio amid the COVID-19 challenges. Among many services, LMM provides food and shelter to hundreds of people without homes every day. The need to social distance creates major challenges for these homeless services, but LMM is rising to that challenge in continuing to serve people who are struggling while also keeping their staff safe.

LMM is providing virtual visits, where possible, and making adjustments since shelters are not set up for social distancing. Marcella Brown, Vice President of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, said they have reduced their shelter count significantly to provide more space for people sheltering. But no one is being left out in the cold; LMM is partnering with other community organizations to ensure everyone has a place to shelter, and social distancing can continue in efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Thank you, Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, for your dedication in serving the most vulnerable people in your community – made all the more vital in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Neighbors,


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