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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Settlement House

June 3, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program for their work to address domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A report from the United Nations has identified a surge in domestic violence linked to lockdowns responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic and economic crisis have added significant stressors, increasing the likelihood of abuse for many families. Isolation gives abusers more opportunities for controlling their partners, and fewer options for those being abused to seek safety and support since they are encouraged to stay home to stop the spread of the virus.

Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program is encouraging physicians to look for signs of domestic violence during telemedicine visits and make referrals, as the physician may be the only person the patient interacts with during lockdowns. Telemedicine doctors are connecting people with domestic violence counselors, such as those with STOP Intimate Partner Violence, a collaborative project of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program. These domestic violence counselors follow up with free, quality counseling services through virtual visits, and provide resources to support to families.

Thank you to Lutheran Settlement House’s Bilingual Domestic Violence Program for your virtual support of families in need of resources to address domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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