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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

May 13, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota (LSSMN), which is hosting a series of virtual events for the caregivers and care receivers in their Caregiver Support community.

Caregiver Support provides in-home respite by volunteer caregivers throughout Minnesota so that family caregivers can have much-needed rest. They continue to provide that support virtually and over the phone during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Caregivers Support service has long utilized technology to support family caregivers in rural communities, offering opportunities for caregivers to connect with the world outside their home, and that technology is especially important now.

Laura Rasmussen, the regional coordinator for LSS Caregiver Support and Respite services, recently viewed a video of a violin concert held outdoors at an assisted living facility. She saw the joy the concert brought to the residents, and wanted to replicate the concert virtually, so people across Minnesota could enjoy it. Laura reached out to the violinist in the video, Kelsey Joy, who gladly offered her talents to LSSMN.

LSSMN hosted the virtual violin concert on May 6th and encouraged caregivers and care receivers in Minnesota to join via the TEAMS app. The concert was a great success, so Laura planned additional virtual events throughout the month of May, including a farm tour, piano performance, and an antique car tour. The aim is to help older adults feel connected to their community during this time of isolation, and know that they are cared for, even from afar. LSSMN is also posting shortened versions of the performances on their Facebook page so that people outside of the Caregiver Support community can enjoy them, as well.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota for your creativity in providing virtual events for the Caregiver Support community!

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