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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Illinois

April 14, 2020

Today’s Front Line Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, and the Project IMPACT staff. Project IMPACT is a behavioral health crisis program, operating in five hospital emergency rooms in Chicago. The crisis mental health counselors and social workers of Project IMPACT provide psychiatric evaluations, and place patients needing psychiatric care in behavioral health facilities, ensuring that ER beds are available for those who need testing and acute medical care. Those ER beds are especially critical now, during the COVID-19 crisis.

Project IMPACT staff cannot work from home, and have courageously answered the call to serve their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Counselors and social workers are taking on extra shifts to cover for their colleagues who are worried about exposure, unable to work due to illness, or staying home with children. Some staff who are temporarily unable to work are spending their time sewing masks to keep their colleagues safe.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of Illinois and the Project IMPACT staff! We recognize that you are working in increasingly challenging conditions, and we appreciate your dedication to bringing healing and wholeness to your communities.

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