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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota

November 18, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota for providing support and relief to some of the millions of Americans who assume the overwhelming responsibilities of providing care for others.

LSS North Dakota has served communities statewide for more than a century. Following its mission to bring healing, hope and help to those in need, the organization offers support services focused on family, mental health, and youth, including adoption, family coaching, counseling, domestic violence interventions, and juvenile court diversion.

The Lutheran Services in America network proudly recognizes November as National Family Caregivers Month. LSS North Dakota is helping to provide caregivers with the critical support they need, especially in this challenging era of COVID-19, with its Aging Life Care programs, such as HCBS Respite, and home- and community-based services (HCBS), such as ALC Connect (Remote Technology). HCBS Respite assists family members of those receiving care by providing short-term service in order to deliver temporary relief to the primary caregiver from the stress and demands associated with care. ALC Connect offers support, resources and assistance through the use of SMART technology to reduce isolation and loneliness experienced by older adults and caregivers — a huge benefit for individuals in rural communities.

This month is the time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the United States. Thank you to all caregivers for your commitment to others, and to LSS North Dakota for helping to lift the countless spouses, parents, adult children, friends, and others who take on this meaningful role.

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.