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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota

April 27, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota and its Aging Life Care Program (ALC), which is adjusting its services to provide remote service delivery whenever possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aging Life Care connects older adults and individuals with chronic medical or mental health needs with a trusted care coordinator to help navigate the many complex issues that come with changes in health and/or living situations. ALC provides a sliding scale of fees based on income and ability to pay.

While the necessary in-person care continues, ALC care coordinators have transitioned to remote service delivery whenever possible. In addition to providing the same level of care, ALC is now providing a daily dial-in support group as well as an option to receive daily texts. “We are offering a daily support group for clients to call in for socialization, positive support and jokes, to answer questions, provide tips and dispel myths regarding safety and COVID-19,” said Carmel Froemke, the team lead for ALC. “We also send out daily texts to those who want them.” Participants have said that these daily calls make a world of difference in easing their anxieties and loneliness during social isolation.

Read more about ALC’s excellent work here.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, and the Aging Life Care Program, in particular, for adjusting services to continue serving your community faithfully during the COVID-19 pandemic!

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