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Today’s Front Line Hero: Paul’s Run

November 12, 2020

By Haley Leis, Intern

Today’s Front Line Hero is Paul’s Run, a member of the Liberty Lutheran family of services, for their dedication to keeping seniors safe through the pandemic.

Paul’s Run, based in Philadelphia, is a continued care retirement community that offers independent living, personal care, and a team of skilled nurses available to help whenever needed. Residents and staff at Paul’s Run enjoy strong interpersonal relationships, so much so that they’ve inspired the tagline “Friends, Family, Neighbors.”

The coronavirus pandemic hit retirement communities especially hard, and like organizations around the country, Paul’s Run was forced to adapt in order to continue providing high-quality care in the safest way possible. Community activities are offered that engage, empower, and entertain participants while maintaining social distancing requirements. In order to minimize residents’ need to put themselves at risk, Paul’s Run offers an on-site country store, door-to-door meal deliveries, and package deliveries.

Thank you to Paul’s Run for your hard work and continued commitment to keeping your residents safe!

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