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Today’s Front Line Hero: Tuff Memorial Home Corporation

December 4, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Tuff Memorial Home Corporation for their inventive approach to helping older adults have fun and feel more connected to their community.

Located in southwest Minnesota, the organization offers independent and assisted living for older adults ranging from individual apartments to private rooms with skilled nursing and professional care.

Throughout the pandemic, the team at Tuff Memorial Home have hosted a wide array of safe events and activities for residents. In recent months, they held a live music performance featuring a member of The Sioux Falls Tempo Band playing Johnny Cash cover songs, organized a historical presentation with a local reenactor and a covered wagon, and arranged barbecues and picnics – all for residents to enjoy outdoors. Staff have also used social media and their website to encourage open communication between residents and their loved ones through letters, cards, gift boxes, video calls, and visits compliant with social distancing requirements. They have even welcomed animal friends from local rescue organizations to the community – residents have met puppies, kittens, and a zebra this year. Plus, the team worked with local community organizations to arrange a Halloween costume parade and a special service for Veteran’s Day.

Thank you, Tuff Memorial Home Corporation, for truly living your mission and providing heartfelt quality care that contributes to a sense of dignity for older adults.

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