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Today’s Front Line Hero: Wartburg Adult Care Community

September 25, 2020

 By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach 

Today’s Front Line Hero is Wartburg Adult Care Community, which held a three-day memorial service in honor of those lost to COVID-19.

Located in Westchester County, NY, Wartburg offers senior living and comprehensive healthcare services. Wartburg also offers caregiver support at every stage with an array of options to best serve the whole family.

Wartburg recognizes the immense loss the community experienced from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the nature of the virus meant typical end of life traditions such as hugs and shared meals were not possible. Concerned that lack of closure could delay healing and prolonged self-isolation could trigger depression, Wartburg held the three-day Wartburg 2020 Memorial Weekend. During the weekend of memorial services, Wartburg recognized the front line staff who served at the height of the pandemic in New York with a plaque and a statement from Wartburg’s Board of Directors, saying that this time will be remembered for the great compassion shown all over the world. They also planted an anchor tree in honor of an employee who served at Wartburg for 40 years. The Wartburg team provided spiritual care to families who lost loved ones with prayer, organ music, and an opportunity to meditate in the chapel.

Several hundred people visited Wartburg’s campus for the memorial services, and enjoyed beautiful weather throughout the weekend. To keep participants safe, masks and social distancing were required, and Wartburg implemented screening and contact tracing.

Thank you, Wartburg, for offering healing to your community that has experienced loss and grief.

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