Funding Opportunities for Vaccinating Older Adults and People with Disabilities

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Funding Opportunities for Vaccinating Older Adults and People with Disabilities

The National Council on Aging and USAging received $125 million to vaccinate older adults and people with disabilities. Lutheran Services in America, through the power of a nationwide network of service providers who are trusted in their communities, is a partner to both. With this partnership, Lutheran Services in America members can apply directly for funding now. Choosing the best grant to apply for depends on your organization type. You can apply for both, but there should be no duplication in scope of work.

Applications ARE OPEN NOW and reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. Project start dates can begin in January 2023 and close as late as April 15, 2024. This is a very popular and competitive funding opportunity, so we encourage you to submit applications as quickly as possible.

The grants favor organizations that reach underserved communities, including rural and specific targeted populations (e.g., Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, low income, limited English-speaking).

Types of Grant Activities (your organization alone or in partnership with others):

  • Vaccinations ‒ community clinics and/or in-home
  • Supportive Services
    • Assistance to schedule appointments
    • Transportation ‒ arrange and/or provide
    • Personal support to receive the vaccination
    • Referrals to other needed services
  • Outreach, education and decision support regarding COVID and flu vaccines
  • Reporting ‒ service delivery, progress reports, financial reports

USAging Grants

USAging was awarded $75 million to establish and leverage partnerships and engagement with Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, state No Wrong Door systems, aging and disability resource centers, other ACL-funded disability networks and other community-based organizations that work with older adults and people with disabilities. Members can submit individually or in partnership with other organizations, such as an Area Agency on Aging. Grants range from $50,000 to $1,500,000.

The USAging application provides a grant amount calculator, including $50,000 base budget amount and $33 to cover support and administrative costs for each vaccine provided (either directly by your organization OR through collaboration in vaccine clinics). Funding is increased by 20% for rural communities and 5% for each targeted population reached. An informational webinar is available on the USAging website.

NCOA Grants

UPDATE: Applications for NCOA grants are now closed.

The National Council on Aging was awarded $50 million to partner with senior centers, community centers, FQHCs and community- and faith-based organizations to vaccinate older adults and people with disabilities. Members can submit individually or in partnership with other organizations. Grants range from $50,000-$150,000 for single county/city/jurisdiction initiatives to $450,000-$500,000 for regional (across counties, the state, or multi-state) initiatives.

Organizations that want to apply for funds are required to submit a Notice of Intent via the NCOA application website. FAQs are also available.


Susan Newton
Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives

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