Lightning Rod for Change: Our Push to Fund the Frontlines

May 18, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic stretches our nation’s health system to its limits, the importance of America’s human service professionals has never been more cut and dried. However, nonprofits cannot effectively serve their communities without adequate financial relief or resources from Washington. After more than two months of challenging work, human service professionals are united in telling Congress, “Fund the frontlines!”

As the national office of a sprawling network of more than 300 nonprofit health and human service organizations, Lutheran Services in America is using the collective calls for financial support from members as a springboard for changes in federal and state policy. By channeling these concerns about limited resources into the basis for advocacy efforts, we have been successful in communicating to lawmakers the needs of nonprofits and their workers who are fighting on the front lines of this deadly pandemic. Since March, Lutheran Services in America has worked to secure key priorities in coronavirus relief packages, including:

  • Access to financial relief for health and human service nonprofits with more than 500 employees via forgivable loans
  • Targeted financial resources for nonprofit frontline health and human services providers to cover unreimbursed expenses related to the pandemic
  • Reimbursement of the cost of unemployment insurance benefits paid by nonprofits who self-fund these benefits
  • Funding for vulnerable youth and children through the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act and Title IV-E Chafee funds

These outstanding priorities are in addition to some steps we have already taken to address our members’ most prominent needs and concerns. We sought to relieve some of the burden related to business continuity by advocating for the Medicaid exemption with the CARES Act to be removed. We sought new partnerships to help with accelerated entry into the workforce and connected members to personal protective equipment supply networks.

We are also addressing the concerns from our membership through proactive methods in several other key areas. The expanded reliance on technology has opened up new opportunities for facilitating peer-to-peer sharing of news, resources, and insights. The exchange of information about adopting new protocols for residents, addressing employee morale, and other means of combating the COVID-19 strengthens the network’s ability to weather the storm of this unprecedented challenge.

Despite this tremendous progress, there is still much more to be done. We must double our efforts to protect the workforce of nonprofit health and human services organizations as they face narrowing revenue streams amidst a sliding economy. We need to ensure facilities are able to hire new staff quickly and safely at a time they are needed more than ever. We strive to address these challenges every day, and will continue to do so once this global crisis has abated. As Congress considers its next moves to help support the nation, we will push lawmakers and regulatory agencies any way we can to ensure nonprofits receive the resources they need to serve some of our most vulnerable populations.

We are not doing this alone. Lutheran Services in America keeps members informed through regular updates, action-oriented advocacy alerts, and an extensive library of resources, but the dedicated professionals working within our 300-member organization network are the driving force behind any change. We thank all of our members for your courageous efforts. You are on the front lines making a difference to so many every day. Together, we will continue to fight for funding for front line workers who risk their lives every day on behalf of the rest of us.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Inspiritus

May 18, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Inspiritus for their work cleaning up after tornadoes in Tennessee, even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inspiritus’ mission is guiding individuals and families whose lives have been disrupted on a path from surviving to thriving. To fulfill this mission, Inspiritus serves communities through a variety of programs, including disaster response.

Though most of the nation’s focus and energy is directed toward COVID-19, Inspiritus is still faithfully engaging in disaster response. Tornadoes in Cookeville, TN, east of Nashville, killed 24 individuals and damaged homes in the community. The Inspiritus disaster response team has been working in that community to help them rebuild.

Inspiritus staff and volunteers are adhering to social distancing guidelines as they help Cookeville rebuild. Inspiritus staff say their rebuilding efforts are actually ahead of schedule, and they have seen incredible support in the way of volunteers and donations. The community is showing immense love and support to those who were impacted by the tornadoes, which helps with rebuilding and healing.

Thank you to Inspiritus for your work in Cookeville, and for your dedication to communities’ needs in the wake of natural disasters!

House Recognizes Nonprofit Priorities in Latest COVID-19 Bill

May 19, 2020

The House of Representatives passed a $3 trillion coronavirus relief package last Friday to help mitigate the disastrous effects of the pandemic. Lutheran Services in America has been a vocal advocate for the inclusion of nonprofits in any new aid packages. Our national network of health and human service organizations rallied to collectively voice support for our key priorities, which include some of the vital resources enumerated in the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act — a bill that builds on the work of previous relief bills by including support for nonprofit organizations.

Thanks to the engagement of our members, we are pleased to see the bill addresses some of our most important priorities, including access to financial relief for health and human service nonprofits with more than 500 employees, and targeted financial resources for nonprofit frontline health and human services providers. The fulfillment of these priorities would grant nonprofits the funds and resources necessary to offer the care and service needed by many Americans during this critical time. While the HEROES Act is a welcome show of support for nonprofits in the House, there is still much work to do to gain similar support in the Senate in order to sustain our network’s crucial work.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Family Services of Virginia

May 19, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Family Services of Virginia (LFSVA), which is dedicated to ensuring children in their community have the resources they need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lutheran Family Services of Virginia has been providing support and services to children, families, and adults for 130 years. Their services include helping children in foster care find temporary or permanent families, adoption counseling, services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and supporting children with behavioral challenges. Though COVID-19 has changed the way LFSVA delivers services, they have been committed to continuing to support their community with services through telehealth.

One of the ways LFSVA supports children with behavioral challenges is through their six Minnick Schools across the commonwealth, which help students age 5 to 22 find success in the classroom. The Minnick Schools offer highly trained educators and treatment specialists to meet unique needs of many children the public educational system cannot address. In addition to teaching the state’s educational curriculum, the Minnick Schools help students learn about behavior choices, how to make positive decisions, and how to respond to stress and challenging situations.

Though the Minnick Schools are closed in accordance with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s order, the teachers are still committed to serving the students. Many families are struggling with food security during the COVID-19 pandemic, so Minnick School teachers have been delivering food to their students. The teachers are wearing masks and keeping safe distances from the students while they work to ensure children in their community have the resources they need.

Thank you to LFSVA for your commitment to ensuring your community is resourced by offering telehealth services and food delivery!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Life Villages

May 20, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Life Villages, which is committed to keeping seniors healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lutheran Life Villages is a senior living facility with four campuses in Northeast Indiana. In addition to an array of senior living options, Lutheran Life Villages offers creative programming such as no contact boxing for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, and a Foster Grandparent program, which matches seniors with low-income children in the community who are at risk of falling behind in school. They are committed to holistic care for seniors, and to building intergenerational relationships in the community.

Lutheran Life Villages recognizes the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the enhanced risk for seniors and individuals with chronic conditions. To keep their residents safe, Lutheran Life Villages is taking necessary precautions, including restricting access, monitoring staff health, increasing their inventory of medical supplies, and communicating regularly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their local and state health departments. The increased need for personal protective equipment is unprecedented, and Lutheran Life Villages is working to obtain needed supplies. President and CEO Alex Kiefer is forging new partnerships to gain those supplies, and has made trips to car manufacturing plants to pick up gowns and other supplies that are otherwise difficult to find.

Thank you to Lutheran Life Villages for your dedication to the seniors in your community!

Lutheran Services in America Participates in the Child Welfare Provider Innovation Network

May 20, 2020

Lutheran Services in America and a robust collection of national partners and community-based nonprofits have been invited by The Annie E. Casey Foundation and Casey Family Programs to participate in the new Child Welfare Provider Innovation Network. In addition to participants from Lutheran Services in America’s national office in D.C., 18 leaders from 13 community-based Lutheran provider organizations from across the nation have been invited to engage in this collaborative network.

The Child Welfare Provider Innovation Network is a weekly conversation that brings together direct service provider leaders to explore how innovation developed during the COVID-19 crisis can be transformed into lasting solutions for children, youth and families. The weekly conversations include interactive presentations by peer thought leaders, sharing of critical knowledge and tools, and facilitated conversations applying the real-time lessons of the COVID-19 crisis into actionable, long-term change.

Nationally, Lutheran Services in America’s network of 100 children, youth and family serving organizations impact 12,000 children in foster care and 40,000 children and family members across 43 states in 363 cities and 523 locations. Our goal is to ensure that all children live in safe, stable and permanent family homes. For the sake of our nation’s future, it is critically important that we work together to identify and support solutions that move us closer to this goal as we navigate and emerge from this crisis. We are grateful to The Annie E. Casey Foundation and Casey Family Programs for their vision and leadership in bringing together this strong network of leaders to envision the path to lasting solutions for children, youth and families.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of New York

May 21, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of New York (LSSNY), which is recognizing the unsung heroes of the pandemic.

Lutheran Social Services of New York has been operating at the heart of the pandemic over the last few months, and has continued its much-needed services during the crisis. LSSNY continues to serve its community, including the formerly homeless, people struggling with addiction, the newcomer, people living with mental illness, families who are food insecure, and children in foster care. Though many services remain closed as New York battles COVID-19, LSSNY feels its duty is to meet the community’s needs by providing essential support during the pandemic.

We often hear about the work and sacrifices of medical workers on the front lines, but we rarely hear about the hard work and essential services of maintenance workers, case managers, custodial workers, and childcare providers. LSSNY CEO Damyn Kelly is making a concerted effort to recognize the work of the unsung heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic. LSSNY is highlighting essential workers with profiles on its website and in newsletters, and elevating the workers’ commitment to service. Custodial workers, for example, are crucial to the health and safety of the community. However, they cannot work from home, and are risking their health and safety to ensure the virus does not spread. LSSNY case managers are on the front lines, making sure that vulnerable populations in New York have the resources they need, especially during these trying times.

“I have always told staff that they were essential and that it was because of them that we [LSSNY] existed,” said Kelly. “So as a result, when the governor announced the Stay in Place order…calling our workers essential, I immediately sent out an email to the staff saying the governor has recognized what I’ve been telling you since the beginning.”

Thank you to LSSNY for your continued service in New York, and for recognizing the unsung heroes who make that service possible.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota

May 22, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, which is providing translation services at drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites.

When Smithfield Foods saw a COVID-19 outbreak at their plant in Sioux Falls, SD, the state, Avera Medical Group, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the South Dakota National Guard worked together to set up a drive-thru test site in a local high school parking lot. The collaboration recognized the importance of protective gear to keep the testing site workers and patients safe, but there were other important factors to ensure the testing site was successful.

The Sioux Falls COVID-19 drive-thru testing site had a full fleet of interpreters present, including Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota case worker, Adane Redda. Redda is originally from Ethiopia, and speaks several languages. The interpreters were crucial in collecting important information about each patient, and bridging gaps in communications. Redda said he finds this work rewarding, and is glad to be helpful during the COVID-19 outbreak. Public health officials were grateful for the interpreters from Lutheran Social Services, and anticipate that drive-thru testing sites will become more prevalent, and they will continue to value the important work of language interpreters.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota for serving your community’s various needs through the COVID-19 pandemic, and for working to ensure that everyone, regardless of language has access to care!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Advocate Aurora Health

May 26, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Advocate Aurora Health for their research contributions, adding to academic knowledge about the novel COVID-19 virus.

A team of 5 cardiac sonographers at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center have been working on the front lines during COVID-19, and recognized that ICU procedures to detect impacts of the virus on the heart were inefficient. The team started investigating how the virus affects the heart by personally scanning patients in the COVID-19 ICU. They developed an innovative new procedure that is more targeted, and more accurately identifies deadly symptoms. The new procedure collects better patient data faster, improving patient care and limiting the exposure of caregivers. The Advocate team published their findings, and are writing the worldwide standard for treating COVID-19 patients with cardiac systems.

Advocate Aurora Health researchers are also contributing to efforts to better understand COVID-19 outcomes for cancer patients. An Advocate researcher co-authored a recent study, and will release early data on outcomes for cancer patients at the upcoming virtual American Society of Clinical Oncology conference. The consortium of cancer researchers crowdsourced the data, allowing for speed in releasing the results of the study.

Thank you to Advocate Aurora Health for your dedication to serving patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for your work contributing to the global understanding of the novel virus.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Liberty Lutheran

May 27, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Liberty Lutheran and their dedicated staff at the Artman senior living community.

Liberty Lutheran’s Artman senior living community is located in Ambler, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1916 as Artman Lutheran Home, the community stands as a leader in personal care and skilled nursing services that draw from a rich faith-based tradition of high-quality compassionate care. As part of the Liberty Lutheran family of services, Artman is also proud to have been included on U.S. News and World Report’s Best Short-Term Rehabilitation list.

At Artman, residents are encouraged to live life to the fullest every day. With this in mind, the staff goes above and beyond to surpass the expectations of residents and family members. By emphasizing possibilities, not limitations, the team at Artman builds positive relationships with residents and families that create a sense of warmth and family.

This type of dedication and commitment has been reinforced since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past several months, Artman has instituted a series of practices and procedures to keep residents safe within their homes, while also providing fulfilling opportunities for residents to do from within their apartments.

“I am so grateful to the team here at Artman,” says Artman’s executive director, Janet Lorenzon. “We are truly blessed to have the support of so many talented and caring people. I see the impact they make in the smiles and positive attitudes of our residents. We are getting through these extraordinary times together thanks to the contributions of so many.”

Thank you to the staff at Artman for personifying compassion and care for the people you serve and for one another. Lutheran Services in America is proud to highlight your work as a source for home and peace of mind for older adults and their families.

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.