Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran SeniorLife

April 21, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran SeniorLife, and their LIFE (Living Independence for the Elderly) program, which is delivering thousands of meals to seniors in their community.

Lutheran SeniorLife manages four LIFE programs at locations in Western Pennsylvania, (LIFE Beaver, LIFE Lawrence, LIFE Butler and LIFE Armstrong), currently serving more than 760 participants. The LIFE program provides support and services that meet personal and health needs of the program participants. It is a managed care program that provides a comprehensive, all-inclusive package of medical and supportive services. The program is known nationally as the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

Each LIFE program has an Adult- Day Center housed in the county in which it serves. LIFE participants can attend the centers to receive not only medical care from the Interdisciplinary Team but also socialization, programming and wonderful hot meals for breakfast and lunch daily.

When Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced the need to close many facilities to slow the spread of COVID-19, the LIFE programs, including the Nutritional Services staff, shifted their focus from serving meals at the centers to sending out frozen meals and food supplies to participant homes. Many of the seniors state that the only hot meals they eat are those received weekly at the LIFE centers.

The LIFE program already had systems in place to screen participants for food insecurity and provide frozen meals to those participants in need. The meals are prepared at the LIFE centers and hand delivered by LIFE transportation staff. Prior to the pandemic, they were providing an average of 350 frozen meals per month. Over the past five weeks, they have delivered more than 10,000 meals.

This has truly been a team effort by LIFE staff and a labor of love. They are receiving calls daily from participants and families thanking them for this service. One participant stated that she feels lonely at times being “stuck at home,” but when she sits down to eat her meal, she feels grateful and happy to know that “you all are thinking and care about me.”

Many of the participants who have not requested food assistance feel reassured just knowing food is available if they should ever need it. “I can sleep better knowing that you will help me with meals if I need them,” said one participant. “God bless you LIFE, I love you all,” said another.

This service helps fulfill the mission of Lutheran SeniorLife to continually transform and elevate health, wellness, and social services while fostering an Abundant Life for those they serve.

Thank you to Lutheran SeniorLife for your commitment to the seniors in your community, and for promoting food security during COVID-19!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Good Shepherd Lutheran Community

April 22, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Services in America member organization Good Shepherd Lutheran Community, a 71-bed nursing home in Blair, Nebraska. Good Shepherd has instated new protocols to keep residents safe from COVID-19, and adapted the way it engages with families to prevent residents from feeling isolated.

The COVID-19 outbreak has been particularly challenging for nursing homes, as seniors are especially susceptible to negative outcomes associated with the virus. To keep the virus from spreading in their facility, Good Shepherd Lutheran Community is bringing residents’ meals to their rooms, and checking each resident between two and three times per day for COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Good Shepherd also enacted new protocols for any employees or caregivers entering the building, taking their temperature and screening them for signs of the virus.

In addition to prevention, Good Shepherd is also prepared if the virus were to enter their community. Administrator Sharon Colling said they have established an isolation wing for anyone presenting symptoms of COVID-19. The wing is also used to house residents who return to the facility after leaving for outside business, such as hospital visits. Good Shepherd is utilizing protective equipment they have available, and is reserving donated fabric masks received from the community for emergency situations, as obtaining adequate supplies and protective gear continues to be a challenge.

The precautions Good Shepherd has taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in their community means that the facility is closed to outside visitors. To keep residents connected to their families and loved ones, Good Shepherd is providing iPads with Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom so they can video chat. Families are encouraged to call as often as they wish, and to visit outside the windows of the residents’ rooms.

Thank you to Good Shepherd Lutheran Community for your commitment to keeping seniors safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for ensuring they can stay connected to their families during social isolation!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan

April 23, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, which is helping seniors in their community with the economic challenges associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.

In addition to health challenges, COVID-19 presents significant economic challenges, particularly for vulnerable populations. Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is working to meet the economic needs of tenants in their affordable housing program, including senior citizens. This new outreach program provides budget support to tenants whose jobs and income have been temporarily paused due to the economic downturn associated with COVID-19.

LSS of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is also raising funds to help their counselors continue their work in supporting the more than 5,000 people who rely on their services. Especially during the economic downturn, many families do not have access to mental health resources, addiction counseling, affordable housing, and other necessities that LSS is committed to providing. Donations for this important work are being collected here.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan for your commitment to serving vulnerable populations, and response to the new needs presented by COVID-19 and the economic downturn.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Services Florida (LSF)

April 24, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Services Florida (LSF) Health Systems, which is going the extra mile to ensure staff have access to much needed protective gear, in an effort to keep staff and clients safe and healthy during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Lutheran Services Florida provides many crucial services across the state, including a robust network of behavioral health organizations. LSF recognizes that, despite the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing requirements, behavioral health needs are still present in the community. The demand for behavioral health services has actually increased significantly during the pandemic, and LSF continues to serve individuals with mental health and substance abuse disorders who are indigent, under-insured, or have no insurance.

Unfortunately, like many health systems across the country, LSF is experiencing a shortage of protective gear, but is committed to continuing behavioral health services through the COVID-19 pandemic. LSF Health Systems leaders Dr. Christine Cauffield and Shelley Katz drove to Tallahassee to obtain two SUV loads of gloves and hand sanitizers so the behavioral health services could continue safely, and prevent further spread of COVID-19.

Thank you to Lutheran Services Florida for your commitment to serving your community safely during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota

April 27, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota and its Aging Life Care Program (ALC), which is adjusting its services to provide remote service delivery whenever possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aging Life Care connects older adults and individuals with chronic medical or mental health needs with a trusted care coordinator to help navigate the many complex issues that come with changes in health and/or living situations. ALC provides a sliding scale of fees based on income and ability to pay.

While the necessary in-person care continues, ALC care coordinators have transitioned to remote service delivery whenever possible. In addition to providing the same level of care, ALC is now providing a daily dial-in support group as well as an option to receive daily texts. “We are offering a daily support group for clients to call in for socialization, positive support and jokes, to answer questions, provide tips and dispel myths regarding safety and COVID-19,” said Carmel Froemke, the team lead for ALC. “We also send out daily texts to those who want them.” Participants have said that these daily calls make a world of difference in easing their anxieties and loneliness during social isolation.

Read more about ALC’s excellent work here.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, and the Aging Life Care Program, in particular, for adjusting services to continue serving your community faithfully during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries

April 28, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries, which is working hard to provide compassionate care for the seniors in their residential communities during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Like other senior living communities, the Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg has restricted visitors to prevent the viral spread of COVID-19 and keep the senior residents safe and healthy. Despite these necessary safety precautions, seniors are in high spirits. They miss seeing their families, but feel hopeful and are grateful for the time they get to spend talking on the phone and video chatting with loved ones. The seniors say they are “burning up the phone lines” regularly communicating with families, and are enjoying the exercising and activities the Lutheran Home continues to provide, while respecting social distancing protocols.

The Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg has taken all necessary safety precautions, including wearing face masks and ensuring social distancing, to protect the seniors they serve. The staff continue to be committed to providing love, care, and compassion to the residents, and regularly communicate with families so they know the residents are receiving exemplary care during COVID-19. The Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg is grateful to their community for their support and prayers, and posted this video to help reassure the community that the senior residents are doing well and in high spirits.

Thank you to Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries for your compassion care at the Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg, and for your commitment to protecting seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the recent video Lutheran Home at Hollidaysburg posted below.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Family Services of Virginia

April 29, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Family Services of Virginia, and all the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who faithfully serve Virginians with disabilities on a daily basis, pandemic or not.

Direct Support Professionals work on the front lines, caring for the physical and emotional well-being of individuals with disabilities. LFS VA Group Home Supervisor Angela Quinn wrote in a recent newsletter that she worries about individuals with disabilities living in group homes because they are so routine-oriented. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly disrupts their routine, including how they perform their jobs, receive job-training, and experience community outings. However, DSPs are rising to address these new challenges in the group homes. In addition to making preparations and decisions that protect individuals in their care on a daily basis, they have become entertainers, teachers, professional Nintendo Wii players, and total socialization packages for the people they serve.

DSPs cannot work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Quinn says the DSPs at LFS VA are wonderfully committed to their work and in high spirits. Though they already have a full plate, they are demonstrating dedication and flexibility with the changing needs presented by the pandemic. Their positive attitudes translate to the people they serve, and any time Quinn calls a group home, she hears the familiar sounds of laughter and contentment.

Thank you to all the Direct Support Professionals at Lutheran Family Services of Virginia! Your work on the front lines supporting individuals with disabilities is so appreciated!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Village On The Isle

April 30, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Village On The Isle for their commitment to keeping residents safe and maintaining transparency with the community.

There has been increasing public pressure for transparency regarding COVID-19 cases in long-term care facilities. In response, the Florida Department of Health recently published a list of facilities that had reported COVID-19 cases. Unfortunately, when people see a facility’s name on the list, they fear the worst. Some long-term care facilities that made the department’s COVID-19 list have only had one positive COVID-19 case in their facility, and are following all the appropriate protocols to keep their residents and staff safe.

Village On The Isle (VOTI) is a large retirement community in Venice, Florida, with 450 residents and 300 employees. VOTI quickly implemented CDC guidelines when the COVID-19 outbreak began, and welcomed the increased scrutiny of long-term care facilities. CEO Joel Anderson was confident in their efforts to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak within the community, and said the staff transitioned quickly to the necessary protocols. Their team has been delivering all meals to residents and helping with grocery and medication deliveries.

Recent COVID-19 surveillance efforts in Florida show a very small percentage of COVID-19 cases in all assisted living and nursing homes statewide, demonstrating how diligently staff have worked to keep residents safe from the virus.

Thank you to Village On The Isle for your commitment to keeping your residents safe!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Ecumen

May 1, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Ecumen, which quickly designed an innovative program called “Stay Connected” to help residents and family members remain in contact during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ecumen provides senior housing and other services for thousands of residents at 40-plus communities across eight states. Ecumen has implemented necessary protocols to protect residents at every site during the COVID-19 outbreak, including visitor restrictions. In addition to keeping residents physically healthy, Ecumen wants to ensure that their social and emotional needs are also met, and crafted their Stay Connected program to keep the seniors in contact with their loved ones.

As part of the Stay Connected program, Ecumen distributed iPad tablets to any communities that did not already have them, and established sanitizing protocol for iPad use. The Ecumen staff also created a centralized chat schedule so families could easily select convenient times to connect with their loved ones online, freeing up staff to focus on care. The team announced the program by email and invited family members and social workers to participate, and included links to schedule their video chat.

The Stay Connected program was an immediate success, with 75 video chats scheduled in the first week, including family members from around the world who were excited to connect with their loved ones. The residents have loved seeing their family members! A face mask cannot hide the smiles, laughter, and joy being shared daily.

A big thank you to Ecumen for your focus on the needs of residents and families while also promoting health and safety!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Samaritas

May 4, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Samaritas and its committed staff who are working hard to meet the changing needs of those they serve during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Samaritas has more than 60 program sites in 40 cities in Michigan. The organization offers several vital services with robust programming, including adoption, foster care, senior and affordable living, and disabilities services. The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly created challenges for these programs, but Samaritas is adapting to meet the community’s continued needs.

Samaritas purchased 160 iPads for seniors and children in foster care to stay in touch with their families during social distancing. Samaritas also received donated iPads from the community to contribute to this effort to keep families connected virtually. Acquiring adequate protective equipment continues to be a challenge for many health and human services agencies, so Samaritas commissioned a dedicated supply team to explore various avenues to purchase protective equipment for staff.Samaritas was grateful to have hundreds of hand-made masks donated by the community while they waited for supplies to arrive!

The direct support staff are truly committed to serve during this difficult time! The Samaritas administration reported that the staff in their senior living communities are seeing fewer call-offs and changes in schedules than they have ever seen. The staff at disabilities group homes are finding great ways to engage the residents, including making cards and sending them to hospitals to thank healthcare workers for their support in the community.

Thank you to Samaritas for your extraordinary service during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for your staff’s continued dedication to the community!

Our Neighbors,


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