Children, Youth & Families

Children, Youth & Families

Children, Youth & Families

We empower families and address the disparities and negative outcomes in the child welfare system. Our approach is to expand programs that reach families in crisis and prevent children from being removed from their homes.


300 health and human services organizations in 1,400 communities


Results Innovation Lab

Achieving better outcomes for children, youth and families

Family Stabilization Initiative

Empowering families to stay together

Results Network

Addressing disparities in child welfare

Faith, Families and Community Partnerships Initiative

Stabilizing families and reducing the need for foster care.

Strengthening Families Initiative

Improving outcomes for children, youth and families enrolled in Medicaid.


View a list of our member organizations working with children, youth and families across the country.

Get the latest news and resources tailored to our Children, Youth & Families services community.

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.