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STRENGTH & SERVICE SERIES Innovative Approaches to Measuring Impact in Lutheran Services in America Collaboratives

  • December 7, 2023

2:00 p.m. ET

Featuring: Jackie Aman of Wilder Research and Rose Johnson & Sarah Mihich of Transform Consulting Group

How well are we doing at connecting rural older adults to the health, social and economic support they need to thrive? Is your team growing in its ability to center issues of race equity in your family stabilization work? These are just two of the questions being addressed for Lutheran Services in America members by innovative approaches to measuring impact in Lutheran Services in America collaboratives.

Please join us on December 7 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from evaluation partners and peers engaged in the Lutheran Services in America Rural Aging Action Network (RAAN) and Family Stabilization Initiative (FSI) about how innovative approaches to impact measurement are supporting their work on the ground.


FSI Speakers

Jackie Aman is a Research Scientist with Wilder Research who led a recent evaluation of FSI’s Collaborative Learning Model, incorporating survey methodologies and an art-based evaluation tool, “ripple mapping.”

Katy Smith is the Director of Community Programs for AK Child and Family, where she is responsible for the supervision, oversight, and administration of all community based programming, including their participation in the Family Stabilization Initiative.

RAAN Speakers

Rose Johnson is a Project Consultant and Sarah Mihich is a Project Data Analyst with Transform Consulting Group. Together, they have led data analytics and visualization work, as well as training, for participating RAAN organizations and leaders.

Michelle Madsen is the Senior Director of Community Services with Lutheran Social Services (LSS) of South Dakota, where she provides leadership for mentoring, childcare and education services, including their RAAN, their Older Adult Resource Network.

Tanya Urquieta is the Project Program Coordinator of Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota’s RAAN, their Older Adult Resource Network. In this capacity, she leads community engagement and connects older adults to resources in and around Armour, South Dakota.

Video Recording



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