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STRENGTH & SERVICE SERIES Innovative Ways to Engage Technology in Your Senior Living Community

  • May 5, 2022

2:00 p.m. ET

iN2L shared their innovative and timely research on the impact of COVID-19 on social isolation and quality of life of older adults. The programming includes a live demonstration of iN2L and the ways communities are enabling seniors to share conversations and experiences with each other, their caregivers and family members, regardless of cognitive or physical ability. IN2L also shared resources on federal grant funding available to bring this technology to your skilled nursing community. This webinar is perfect for staff and organizations looking for an on-ramp to leverage technology to improve quality of life for older adults.


  • Lydia Nguyen, Ph.D., Lead Researcher
  • Karl Schweitzer, Enterprise Sales Executive
  • Susan Tournie, Director of Program Partnerships

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