Colleen Frankenfield

April 11, 2022

Colleen Frankenfield is the President & CEO of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey. She has worked in faith-based healthcare and senior services for over 30 years. While in law school, she worked for the CMS/Maximus as a Medicare Appeals Adjudicator. In addition to practicing law in the area of professional liability, she had the opportunity to work with healthcare providers and educational institutions in matters related to workers compensation, special education, school law and other general corporate practice areas.

Colleen served as a member of several boards, including as the Chair for Leading Age NJ/DE, the Co-Vice-Chair and board member at Felician University and a member of the advisory committee for the College of Arts and Sciences at St. Joseph University. She has been instrumental with several health systems in developing and implementing plans to improve financial viability, while improving the quality of care and services.

Eric Gurley

July 11, 2022

Eric Gurley is a skilled financial and operational professional with decades of senior housing and healthcare experience, excelling in the areas of strategic planning, implementation and reporting.

Under his leadership, Immanuel grew from 300 employees to 1,400 and expanded missional service to underserved populations through the implementation of three innovative models of care. Eric also oversaw the creation of the Immanuel Vision Foundation and the Immanuel Community Foundation.

He is a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association Board and Finance Committee, Omaha Symphony Board and Finance Committee, Lutheran Giving Board and Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Finance & Audit Committee.


Bill Andrews

April 26, 2023

Bill Andrews is a retired business executive with over three decades of multinational financial and business leadership experience. During his business career at Rohm and Haas Company, he spearheaded initiatives focused on improving the quality and effectiveness of work processes, as well as developing key strategic alliances to better serve customer needs.

Since he retired, Bill has focused his passion for continuous improvement and strategic thinking to help nonprofits deliver better outcomes. These efforts have included acting as a board member at the United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania and at Silver Springs-Martin Luther School, where he facilitated a strategic merger in 2019 with theVillage to form Gemma Services. Andrews is a longstanding member of Lutheran congregations, including St. Luke Lutheran Church in Devon, Pennsylvania, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Bill earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Gettysburg College and an MBA, with a focus on accounting and finance, from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Kristen Gay

April 5, 2022

Dr. Kristen Gay serves as President & CEO of Gemma Services. She has devoted her career to care for children and families, previously at Silver Springs – Martin Luther School prior to its merger with theVillage, and now at Gemma Services.

After receiving a B.A. in psychology from Franklin and Marshall College, and an M.Ed. in psychological services and a Ph.D. in school, community and clinical child psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, Kristen joined the Silver Springs staff in 1999. Kristen has clinical experience in Counseling and School Psychology and has served as an Adjunct Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania.

Kristen’s diverse experience informs her passionate vision for the future of the organization and the myriad of ways through which Gemma Services brings hope and healing to children and families.

Dr. Regina D. Biddings-Muro

December 26, 2024

Dr. Regina D. Biddings-Muro was appointed as Vice President for University Advancement at Cal Lutheran in 2018. In this role, she strengthens the university’s philanthropic and community support among the University’s alumni, donors, and friends. Prior to her appointment at Cal Lutheran, Dr. Biddings-Muro was Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement at Purdue University Northwest in Indiana. She earned her doctoral degree from Benedictine University in Illinois. She also holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees, both from Purdue University.

In addition to fundraising, Dr. Biddings-Muro’s higher education experience includes leadership in alumni affairs, community relations, legislative affairs, communications & marketing, and strategic university events.

Dr. Biddings-Muro worked for more than 20 years in the steel, natural gas, and electric utility industries.

David Duea

May 6, 2022

David Duea is the President & CEO of Lutheran Community Services Northwest. LCSNW provides services to people in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with support to meet life’s most difficult challenges and thrive in communities that are healthy, just and hopeful. David led significant growth for the organization over the past seven years, including bringing Compass Housing under the Lutheran Community Services umbrella, expanding their services to include emergency services and affordable housing.

He holds a B.A. from Pacific Lutheran University in social work and an M.B.A., with a focus on total quality management, from City University. David and his wife Jane live in Tacoma, Washington. They have two adult children that live in Seattle and San Diego.

Rev. Barbara Lund

April 26, 2023

The Rev. Barbara Lund serves as Senior Director for Operations and Innovation for the Evangelical Lutheran Church Service and Justice Home Area, which leads the ELCA’s engagement in service, promotes efforts to call and act for justice and supports the freedom of Christians to love and serve their neighbor globally and locally. Under her direction, the ELCA’s global and domestic ministries deepen and extend the ELCA’s faith in action.

Pastor Lund has served the ELCA Churchwide Organization as the Asia Pacific Desk Director, Global Education Events Director, and as a pastor in Tokyo, Japan. Pastor Lund holds a Master of Divinity from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Rev. Michael Meyer

March 20, 2024

The Rev. Michael Meyer serves the LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) as managing director, Congregations and Districts. In this role, he designs, develops and implements ONM strategic and operational plans and ensures their faithful execution by the various programmatic departments that serve districts, congregations, schools and Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs) throughout the Synod. This includes the supervision of the RSO program, School Ministry, Youth Ministry, Campus Ministry and Disaster Response Training. In each of these programs, Meyer facilitates collaboration with district leadership to increase local capacities throughout the Synod.

A graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Meyer also holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Meyer and his wife, Heather, a doctor of physical therapy, reside in Chesterfield, Mo., with their three children.

Dr. Antonio Oftelie

April 11, 2022

Dr. Antonio Oftelie conducts research, teaches and advises on how leaders create exceptional environments for organizational innovation and adaptation. Based in the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University, Antonio has developed and taught in more than 60 Harvard executive education programs.

Antonio advises senior government and business executives on organizational transformation. In this capacity, he has directly advised three governors, public and private organizations and two White House administrations. Antonio is the current U.S. Federal Monitor for the consent decree overseeing the Seattle Police Department.

Antonio holds a B.S. in Management and Ethics from Crown College, an M.P.A. with a Business and Government Policy concentration from Harvard University and a doctorate in Law and Policy from Northeastern University.

Paula H. Phillippe

January 2, 2024

Paula Phillippe is a board director and progressive executive recognized as an enterprise thought leader, building and growing new business segments, with expertise in human resources, social responsibility, communications, and external relations. She serves as a change agent by building strategies that engage leaders and teams to align and successfully deliver to organizational goals.

Paula has a long-standing commitment to diversity, with demonstrated leadership in multiple roles, integrating internal DEI work alongside market and community equity efforts.

Paula has focused on executive leadership as a key driver of strategy and performance. Paula is a strong partner with CEOs and boards to ensure succession, culture, and rewards are connected to outcomes.

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

Join us as we work to ensure our network continues delivering essential services to all in need.