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Today’s Front Line Hero: Beverly Jones

November 13, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Beverly Jones, VP and Chief Operating Officer of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois!

Beverly was recently appointed co-chair of the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services’ Child Welfare Advisory Committee (CWAC) and will have a leading role advising government officials on programs and policies affecting child welfare across the state. The CWAC also has nine subcommittees that focus on specific outcomes, including child well-being, foster care, LGBTQI diversity and inclusion, and systems of care for families, children, adolescents, and emerging adults.

With decades of experience in social services, Beverly has dedicated the last eight years of her career helping LCFS of Illinois fulfill its mission to nurture and strengthen children and families in need. With her leadership, LCFS of Illinois impacts the lives of thousands of individuals each year through programs supporting adoption services, foster care, family counseling, adolescent outreach, and extended family care.

Beverly is also an active contributor in Lutheran Services in America’s Results Innovation Lab, a cohort of Lutheran Services in America member organizations working together to empower providers with a wider variety of partners in their communities, eliminate silos in service systems and programs, and improve the trajectory of 20,000 vulnerable children in America by 2024.

We are privileged to have Beverly as part of the Lutheran Services in America network working as a front-line advocate for children, youth, and families in Illinois.

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