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Today’s Front Line Hero: Columbia Lutheran Home

January 11, 2021

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Columbia Lutheran Home in Seattle for its aggressive actions and transparency to protect the wellbeing of its residents and employees from COVID-19.

For more than a century, Columbia Lutheran Home has leaned on innovative practices to deliver the best integrated care for older adults. In 1975, it was one of the first facilities to offer an adult daycare program. A few years after that, Columbia became the first nursing facility in Washington state to provide respite and emergency care beds for assisting families caring for loved ones at home. Columbia celebrated its 100th anniversary last year as it continues to serve all members of its community regardless of background.

True to its word about being committed to the health and wellbeing of its community, Columbia provided a dose of post-Christmas cheer to its residents when it announced that it would soon receive the coronavirus vaccine. The home conducted its first of three vaccination periods last week and will complete the process in mid-February. Prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine, Columbia put in place stringent protocols to protect the health of residents and employees, including a temporary suspension of visitations, regular surveillance testing for staff, and regular disinfection of shared spaces. Staff put together a COVID-19 action plan outlining all its preventive measures, and provided updates to residents to remain as transparent as possible.

Thank you to Columbia for your commitment to your residents and staff, and your constant willingness to find new ways to improve the lives of those in your community!

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