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Today’s Front Line Hero: Columbia Memorial Hospital

January 19, 2021

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria, Oregon, for leading a task force to coordinate county-wide vaccine delivery.

Also known by its legal name Columbia Lutheran Charities, Columbia Memorial Hospital has a long history in the region, with its first building opening in 1880. It is now the fastest growing rural hospital in the state of Oregon and recently joined with Providence Seaside Hospital and the Clatsop County government to establish a COVID Vaccine Task Force, a joint effort to ensure efficient and safe vaccination across the county. The Task Force meets daily to organize vaccine supplies, schedule vaccination clinics, and provide regular updates to the public.

The county and hospitals, along with Coastal Family Health Clinic, have pooled resources to deliver the vaccine in accordance with Oregon state guidelines. So far, efforts resulted in more than 1,800 receiving the vaccine. Just last week, the Task Force organized two separate clinics and distributed 500 doses of the Moderna vaccine to people in Phase 1a groups, including health providers, first responders, social services staff, and others who meet eligibility.

Thank you, Columbia Memorial Hospital, for assembling critical resources to distribute and deliver the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon.

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