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Today’s Front Line Hero: Concordia Place

December 8, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Concordia Place for adapting programming during the pandemic to further help working parents and their children.

Based in Chicago, Concordia Place provides inclusive programs that help children, teens, and adults thrive regardless of their economic background. Ordinarily, Concordia Place’s School-Age 365 Program offers educational and social activities each afternoon after school. But after Chicago Public Schools transitioned entirely to remote learning in response to COVID-19, Concordia Place saw a new need surface in the community for childcare that spans the entire schoolday.

They have since adapted their program to extend to a full-day model that provides access to WiFi, meals and snacks, and support for homework and assignments all within a safe learning environment. Beginning at 7:30 each morning, children enrolled in School-Age 365 can go to one of two centers in downtown Chicago. Highly qualified instructors then guide them through their day, ensuring they log into their classes, providing support during lessons, and assisting with technology and homework. When they are not in class, School-Age 365 kids can safely play and socialize. Concordia Place also offers rates on a sliding scale to ensure the program is affordable for all families.

We applaud Concordia Place for expanding their hours in support of a safe, healthy, and fun learning environment for children that ensures their parents can continue to report to work.

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