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Today’s Front Line Hero: Diakon

June 26, 2020


By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach 

Today’s Front Line Hero is Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries and Diakon Family Life Services, which is offering an online coffee and conversation support group to the community.

Diakon offers a range of senior lifestyle and healthcare services, as well as programs for children, youth, and families in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Diakon’s name means “one assigned by the church to minister to the needs of others,” and it takes that name seriously, directly serving more than 70,000 individuals annually.

The COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn have induced stress and anxiety for many Americans. Diakon is working to support the emotional and psychological needs of its community, and began offering an online support group in June. Every Wednesday and Friday, Diakon therapists host a Coffee and Conversation online support group through Zoom. It is free to participate, and Diakon invites all who are interested in meeting new people, chatting about life, or just looking for something new to add to a morning routine. Adults gather with their morning beverage of choice, and get to know the Diakon therapists and each other through conversation, providing a safe place for discussion.

Thank you to Diakon for your work to support the emotional and psychological needs of your community through the COVID-19 pandemic!

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