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Today’s Front Line Hero: Gemma Services

September 8, 2020


By Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach 

Today’s Front Line Hero is Gemma Services, whose Martin Luther School kicked off the new school year with enthusiasm and optimism.

Gemma Services serves children, youth, and families facing emotional and behavioral challenges, and provides education, nurturing and healing. Its offerings across Pennsylvania include education programs, mental health services in residential and community settings, foster care and adoption services, and prevention programs.

One of Gemma’s schools is the Martin Luther School, a private academic institution offering special education for K-8th grade with the objective of helping children reach their educational goals. In early August, the Martin Luther School announced that to keep students and staff safe from the COVID-19 virus, the school would begin virtually in September, and the administration would reassess in mid-October. In preparation for the new school year, the Martin Luther School staff has worked hard to prepare engaging virtual programming designed for each student’s academic, social, and emotional growth, and each child has a dedicated staff member to guide and support them throughout the day.

The Martin Luther School staff began its school year with meetings in the first week of September, preparing for the students’ first day of virtual school today. The staff dressed up in fun costumes to represent their teams at the school, and brainstormed how they can empower themselves and the students in the new school year.

Thank you to Gemma for your enthusiasm for the new school year, and we hope you are having a great first day back to school!

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