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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC)

April 6, 2020

Today’s Frontline Hero is Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC), which is actively responding to the needs of their community during the COVID-19 pandemic in so many ways. LSC is proactively checking in with their community members and offering to connect people with resources, such as caseworkers and spiritual leaders. Staff continue to work hard on the front lines, risking their own health by doingso. Staff and volunteers are sewing homemade masks and other protective equipment in short supply so they can remain healthy and continue to serve their clients and residents, who now are even more vulnerable. Though LSC is under financial stress due to the costs of protective equipment and needed additional staff, they remain committed to serving their community. Their recent $56,000 purchase of hand sanitizer to ensure they are operating in a clean environment is just one such example.

LSC is truly rising to the challenge of COVID-19. Though they recognize these are trying times, the LSC team is celebrating the resilience and love they see throughout their community. Family members continue to visit the gates and windows of senior living facilities to wave to their loved ones, birthday celebrations continue remotely, and generous support goes out to refugee families. Click here to view LSC’s video celebrating resilience through COVID-19.

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