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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Services in Iowa

August 14, 2020

shBy Caitlyn Gudmundsen, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Services in Iowa, which is elevating the efforts of its front line workers through the Compassion in Crisis Campaign.

Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) provides a wide array of services, and is committed to providing compassionate care and strengthening families with offerings that support holistic well-being. LSI began the Compassion in Crisis Campaign to recognize front line workers and share stories of their commitment to LSI’s mission of providing hope and healing.

One story that LSI shared is about Care Coordinator Samantha. LSI increased services to families at risk of substance use, domestic violence, and child abuse, as the stressors related to COVID-19 make those resources all the more necessary. Before the pandemic, Samantha checked in with families once per week, but now does virtual check-ins multiple times per week to provide resources to parents and monitor child safety. When clients are at higher risk of abuse, Samantha and her team put on personal protective equipment so they can safely enter homes. Though Samantha worries about bringing the virus home to her own family, she says, “Child abuse does not stop, even when the world does.” LSI has posted other inspiring stories of front line workers who provide clinical services to teens in juvenile detention, work with children in residential treatment, support foster families, and work with individuals with developmental disabilities.

Thank you to LSI for your commitment to children and families throughout the pandemic, and for recognizing the hard work of your front line staff!

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