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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

November 11, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota for its steadfast support for family caregivers and military veterans.

LSS has a proud tradition of providing opportunity to the people of Minnesota. LSS traces its founding to the Civil War and has since become a leading advocate for children and families, people with disabilities, and older adults. Today, LSS serves one in 65 Minnesotans by providing health, safety, and housing support.

As we celebrate Veterans Day, LSS Minnesota offers a broad range of confidential services to members of the armed forces, veterans, and their families, and is a certified Veteran Ready organization. LSS’ behavioral health services are committed to providing men and women who serve in uniform effective care for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and other challenges. For the past 12 years, LSS has partnered with the state Department of Veterans Affairs to serve veterans through its Casework, Outreach, Referral and Education (C.O.R.E.) program — a first-of-its-kind service that provides free, confidential services statewide.

LSS is also commemorating National Family Caregivers Month, which recognizes the estimated one in five Americans who care for family across the country. LSS’ Caregiver Support & Respite services are designed to support both caregiver and family member, allowing the caregiver to recharge while ensuring that older adults remain as active and healthy in their own home as long as possible. The organization offers coaching and counseling to help caregivers develop their skills, a support network to share experiences, and uses a technology program to help alleviate stress and solve problems.

Thank you to LSS Minnesota for your tireless efforts to serve those who sacrifice so much to serve others!

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