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Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area

October 29, 2020

By Haley Leis, Intern

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area for their dedication to helping refugees build a new life here in the United States!

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, based in the nation’s capital, strives to provide people the chance to have healthy and self-sufficient livelihoods. By providing refugee and immigrant resettlement, workforce development, and migrant support services, LSSNCA provides necessary aid and hope to those looking to rebuild their lives.

As the fall weather gets colder, refugee and immigrant families are in need of warm clothing. In response to this need, LSSNCA has held cold-weather clothing drives across the D.C. metro area to give to newly-arrived families. Thank you LSSNCA for your commitment to some of the most vulnerable in our communities!

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