Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

November 11, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota for its steadfast support for family caregivers and military veterans.

LSS has a proud tradition of providing opportunity to the people of Minnesota. LSS traces its founding to the Civil War and has since become a leading advocate for children and families, people with disabilities, and older adults. Today, LSS serves one in 65 Minnesotans by providing health, safety, and housing support.

As we celebrate Veterans Day, LSS Minnesota offers a broad range of confidential services to members of the armed forces, veterans, and their families, and is a certified Veteran Ready organization. LSS’ behavioral health services are committed to providing men and women who serve in uniform effective care for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and other challenges. For the past 12 years, LSS has partnered with the state Department of Veterans Affairs to serve veterans through its Casework, Outreach, Referral and Education (C.O.R.E.) program — a first-of-its-kind service that provides free, confidential services statewide.

LSS is also commemorating National Family Caregivers Month, which recognizes the estimated one in five Americans who care for family across the country. LSS’ Caregiver Support & Respite services are designed to support both caregiver and family member, allowing the caregiver to recharge while ensuring that older adults remain as active and healthy in their own home as long as possible. The organization offers coaching and counseling to help caregivers develop their skills, a support network to share experiences, and uses a technology program to help alleviate stress and solve problems.

Thank you to LSS Minnesota for your tireless efforts to serve those who sacrifice so much to serve others!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Paul’s Run

November 12, 2020

By Haley Leis, Intern

Today’s Front Line Hero is Paul’s Run, a member of the Liberty Lutheran family of services, for their dedication to keeping seniors safe through the pandemic.

Paul’s Run, based in Philadelphia, is a continued care retirement community that offers independent living, personal care, and a team of skilled nurses available to help whenever needed. Residents and staff at Paul’s Run enjoy strong interpersonal relationships, so much so that they’ve inspired the tagline “Friends, Family, Neighbors.”

The coronavirus pandemic hit retirement communities especially hard, and like organizations around the country, Paul’s Run was forced to adapt in order to continue providing high-quality care in the safest way possible. Community activities are offered that engage, empower, and entertain participants while maintaining social distancing requirements. In order to minimize residents’ need to put themselves at risk, Paul’s Run offers an on-site country store, door-to-door meal deliveries, and package deliveries.

Thank you to Paul’s Run for your hard work and continued commitment to keeping your residents safe!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Beverly Jones

November 13, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Beverly Jones, VP and Chief Operating Officer of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois!

Beverly was recently appointed co-chair of the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services’ Child Welfare Advisory Committee (CWAC) and will have a leading role advising government officials on programs and policies affecting child welfare across the state. The CWAC also has nine subcommittees that focus on specific outcomes, including child well-being, foster care, LGBTQI diversity and inclusion, and systems of care for families, children, adolescents, and emerging adults.

With decades of experience in social services, Beverly has dedicated the last eight years of her career helping LCFS of Illinois fulfill its mission to nurture and strengthen children and families in need. With her leadership, LCFS of Illinois impacts the lives of thousands of individuals each year through programs supporting adoption services, foster care, family counseling, adolescent outreach, and extended family care.

Beverly is also an active contributor in Lutheran Services in America’s Results Innovation Lab, a cohort of Lutheran Services in America member organizations working together to empower providers with a wider variety of partners in their communities, eliminate silos in service systems and programs, and improve the trajectory of 20,000 vulnerable children in America by 2024.

We are privileged to have Beverly as part of the Lutheran Services in America network working as a front-line advocate for children, youth, and families in Illinois.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Alaska

November 16, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of Alaska for offering a helping hand to tens of thousands of Alaskans amid a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic.

The Anchorage-based LSSA provides hope to low-income individuals and families across Alaska, many of whom have to choose between heating their homes, purchasing enough food, or paying for life-sustaining medications. LSSA’s goal is to respond to human need through services that sustain and transform lives. The nonprofit distributes more than 700,000 pounds of food annually and logs about 7,000 volunteer hours, allowing it to make a difference in the lives of 40,000 people every year.

As cases of COVID-19 continue to surge nationwide, LSSA is fighting to alleviate the pain many Alaskans are feeling. With resources running low and debts steadily rising, LSSA is helping those feeling the crunch by providing support with car payments, food for families, and other forms of assistance. The incoming winter has also pressed the need for heating, the costs of which are expected to skyrocket. “The longer we go into this pandemic, the more people are hurting,” LSSA executive director Alan Budahl told the Anchorage Daily News. LSSA’s Food Pantry offers emergency food items — perishable, non-perishable, and frozen — to individuals and families in need. Additional government commodity boxes are available to older adults who meet age and income guidelines.

Thank you to Lutheran Social Services of Alaska for providing essential resources and comfort to so many people during these challenging times.

Today’s Front Line Hero: LTC Bob Worthington (Ret.)

November 17, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Bob Worthington, retired Army officer, Vietnam War veteran, and resident of The Evangelical Good Samaritan Society’s Las Cruces Village in New Mexico. LTC Worthington (RET.) received seven decorations for valor, a Purple Heart, and many more awards over his 30 years of military service.

Now an accomplished author, Worthington was recently recognized by The Military Writers Society of America, receiving a Gold Medal for Excellence in Literature for his work, Under Fire with ARVN Infantry. In his book, Worthington details experiences from his first tour in Vietnam. During 1966-1967, the heart of the Vietnam War, Worthington served as combat advisor to Vietnamese infantry units, and was closely connected to the everyday lives of infantry members, often dining with them and spending time with their families. Remembering his time in Vietnam, Worthington describes it as a “beautiful country” with “beautiful people.”

After two tours in Vietnam, Worthington went on to earn an MA in Counseling and Psychology from Northern Arizona University, an MBA from Webster University, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Utah. He has served as a clinical psychologist and consultant for the U.S. Army; led research projects on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); owned several small businesses; and worked as a tenured professor of psychology, business, journalism, advertising, and writing.

Worthington says he and his wife Anita love living at Las Cruces Village and he is in the middle of writing another book covering his second tour in Vietnam, which he anticipates publishing in 2021.

Thank you for your service, LTC Worthington!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota

November 18, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota for providing support and relief to some of the millions of Americans who assume the overwhelming responsibilities of providing care for others.

LSS North Dakota has served communities statewide for more than a century. Following its mission to bring healing, hope and help to those in need, the organization offers support services focused on family, mental health, and youth, including adoption, family coaching, counseling, domestic violence interventions, and juvenile court diversion.

The Lutheran Services in America network proudly recognizes November as National Family Caregivers Month. LSS North Dakota is helping to provide caregivers with the critical support they need, especially in this challenging era of COVID-19, with its Aging Life Care programs, such as HCBS Respite, and home- and community-based services (HCBS), such as ALC Connect (Remote Technology). HCBS Respite assists family members of those receiving care by providing short-term service in order to deliver temporary relief to the primary caregiver from the stress and demands associated with care. ALC Connect offers support, resources and assistance through the use of SMART technology to reduce isolation and loneliness experienced by older adults and caregivers — a huge benefit for individuals in rural communities.

This month is the time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the United States. Thank you to all caregivers for your commitment to others, and to LSS North Dakota for helping to lift the countless spouses, parents, adult children, friends, and others who take on this meaningful role.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan

November 19, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan for their dedication to providing foster children with safe and loving homes.

Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan has been serving its community for almost 140 years, growing from a single orphanage in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, into one of the largest health and human services organizations in the Midwest. LSS offers a number of programs and services, including refugee resettlement, housing programs and eviction support, and addiction services, to help families and individuals live a safe and healthy life, regardless of the challenges they face.

Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan is one of the largest non-profit adoption agencies in Wisconsin. Knowing that adoption is a time of major transition, LSS provides counseling services to both children and parents as they prepare to enter a new phase of life. In order to best support both foster children and families, LSS offers training for prospective foster parents and ongoing support and assistance to make the transition as easy as possible. In addition to foster care services, LSS also offers a respite program, which allows families or individuals to provide short term care for children in foster care, ranging from a few hours to a whole weekend.

As we near the end of National Adoption Month, we thank Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan for their dedication to providing loving families for children!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community

November 20, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Community (TLRC), a Lutheran Services in America member organization that provides independent and assisted living; short-term stays and rehabilitation; and long-term and memory care for seniors in Tacoma, Washington. The TLRC team has been doubling down on their efforts to sustain a safe, comforting, and supportive environment for all in their care during the pandemic. The staff has also been highly innovative with their use of technology.

Noting a need for clear and consistent communication while social distancing measures are in place, TLRC configured the settings of their Situational Awareness and Response Assistant (SARA), to not only precisely locate residents when they need assistance from trained staff, but also automate alerts to family members in real time. Bingo, a very popular game among TLRC residents, has moved to be virtual. Staff have also worked with residents to ensure they have access to video calls and window visits, and even held a wedding on-site, allowing a resident to see her granddaughter get married from a safe distance.

Staff have also developed nontechnical solutions for enhancing residents’ wellbeing. TLRC was recently featured in Showcase Magazine for its partnership with Forefront Healthcare, which provides delicious, healthy food and dining services to residents. Last month, they put on an event, “Dining Under the Stars,” and served residents a four-course meal paired with wine in an outdoor setting. And a few weeks ago, TLRC worked with Eldergrow to bring nature indoors with fall-themed creative therapeutic programming. Residents put together collages of fall leaves, which now hang on the walls within the community.

Lutheran Services in America recently featured TLRC’s president and CEO Kevin McFeely in a webinar to discuss ways they have embraced technology during the pandemic to better engage residents and staff. Hats off to Kevin and everyone at TLRC for their incredible work.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Samaritas

November 23, 2020

By Christopher Findlay, Senior Marketing Manager

Today’s Front Line Hero is Samaritas for expanding its level of service to the local community in Grand Rapids with the opening of its new Senior Affordable Living Community and West Michigan Child and Family Campus.

Samaritas is one of the largest faith-based, nonprofit health and human service organizations in Michigan. Transforming communities since 1934, Samaritas serves more than 20,000 people in Michigan by helping children find loving families, establishing new homes for refugees, offering transitional homes for the homeless, and providing affordable living communities for older adults, families and people with disabilities.

Samaritas believes its staff “are the rocks that start the ripple of transformation” for those they serve. The ripple grew much bigger on Friday with the grand opening of Samaritas’ Senior Affordable Living Community and West Michigan Child and Family Campus in Grand Rapids. Housed within the newly renovated historic St. Joseph Seminary building, the West Michigan Campus expands Samaritas’ ability to serve the community by housing several services under one roof. Affordable housing is the largest health and human service need in not only Michigan but the United States generally, stated Sam Beals in a recent television interview, and Samaritas is proud to include 53 affordable living units for low-income older adults on the new campus. The campus also expands services to children and families, as well as refugees, the homeless, and people with disabilities.

Thank you to Samaritas for continuing to expand your ripples of transformation throughout Michigan’s communities!

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio

November 24, 2020

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Today’s Front Line Hero is Luther Manor. For 60 years, Luther Manor has provided exceptional housing and care to seniors in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, and surrounding areas in Wisconsin. Throughout 2020, staff countered the pandemic with creative ways to communicate and connect with residents. Life enrichment specialist Stephanie Rutkowski adapted community activities and communications to be in line with social distancing requirements. She adjusted Luther Manor’s in-house TV channel to provide all-day programming; developed and delivered activity books that residents could complete in their apartments; and established a new project called Hope Garden. Lisa Dawson, a licensed practical nurse in Luther Manor’s Health Care Center, continues to provide empathetic and engaging medical care that is focused on the whole person. Recently, Lisa made sure a long-time resident was able to spend her birthday virtually with family. Volunteer specialist Rachel Miers has stepped in wherever help is needed, all while posting encouraging notes for staff to see as they go about their day.

The entire team at Luther Manor has put on safe and fun community events fit for the season. In early October, staff took residents out for a drive to view the autumn leaves and enjoy fall-themed treats. They also hosted an entire week of Halloween activities, where residents painted “pumpkin portraits,” participated in a raffle, played Halloween bingo, and listened to a live music broadcast on their own in-house channel. In November, Luther Manor aired a special Veteran’s Day ceremony featuring one of their residents playing “Taps” on trumpet. And looking forward to the holidays, the team is putting on “Love Lights,” a program in which donors dedicate a light on a Christmas tree in honor or memory of a loved one.

Luther Manor’s dedication to residents is exemplified by outstanding programs and people. Thank you to Stephanie, Lisa, Rachel, and the rest of the staff for providing such outstanding support to residents in your care!

Our Neighbors,


Our shared Lutheran tradition of service to our neighbor is more vital than ever.

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