Highlight Great Benefits, Keep Great People

June 27, 2022

It seems every employer in the nation is up against the same challenge — employee retention. And the obstacles are mounting. Vaccine mandates, COVID-19 exposures, and quarantines continue to unravel an already stressed workplace. These once-new business challenges are no longer novel, and leaders are on the hunt for innovative ways to take care of their teams and drive tenure among their staff. One solution that many are turning to is marketing the culture, perks, and benefits of their own companies.

Studies show that when employees feel cared for by their employers, they’re more likely to stay. Among employees who felt their companies cared about them, 60% planned to stay three-plus years while 90% said they’d spread the word that their companies are great places to work.1 Consider this testimonial from a Portico health plan member: “Our new insurance through Portico is so robust… our social worker couldn’t believe all the help we got – me either!” This member went on to share how fortunate she feels about having comprehensive health benefits that will cover medically necessary home care needs for her husband after he’s discharged from the hospital (e.g., skilled nurse visits, home health aides).

Reasons Employees Leave

Before we take a deep dive into what today’s employees want most, we should understand why employees look to leave in the first place. The truth is, the reason people look to jump ship often varies. However, the pandemic has certainly caused more people to reevaluate what’s most important.

Benefits as a Retention Tool

It’s easy to get wrapped up in turnover reports and the often-high cost of training. Remember, sometimes the easiest way to get employees to remain on the job is right in front of you, nestled in the many benefits you’re already providing. Companies who can boast long employee tenures often use their benefits packages as a hook to keep staff engaged.

As a leader, you’ve likely worked hard to provide employees with a full suite of benefits that supports their personal needs and professional development. Don’t be quiet about it — now is the time to sing their praises!

What Today’s Employees Want

According to recent research by Robert Half, the fact of the matter is, two out of three workers are confident they can find another job easily. Among its survey findings, respondents confirmed that the most desired benefits for today’s employees include:

  • Health benefits
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement plans
  • Dental benefits
  • Life and AD&D insurance
  • Vision care services

In addition to having comprehensive employee benefits, today’s workforce has become accustomed to flexible work schedules. They don’t want to see perks like this go away.

Well-Being Benefits Are a Must

Also, among job seekers’ top priorities are what’s known as “well-being benefits,” a category of employee benefits that can include support for employees in the financial, mental health, social, physical, and career arenas.

Here at Portico, we want to help you touch on all of these important areas as you show you care for your employees. Our well-being programs include:

  • The Being academy is an educational platform covering topics like longevity, purpose, resiliency, and so much more.
  • Mental Health Programs: Learn to Live is an online mental health program to help with stress, anxiety, depression, and more, in addition to our Employee Assistance Program.
  • Online health and fitness classes from Burnalong.
  • Chronic condition prevention from Omada, a virtual program to help with weight loss and reducing risk for chronic disease.
  • Virtual therapy for joint pain from SWORD that provides help for relieving chronic back, joint, and muscle pain at home.

As you promote your well-being programs and benefits, don’t forget to take generational differences into consideration — not all age groups desire or need the same benefits.2

Figuring Out Next Steps

So what are employers to do? Get creative. Review benefit offerings and determine which ones will have the most impact on employee retention in your organization.

Some “out of the box” tactics for promoting key benefits may include:

  • Hosting monthly lunch and learn sessions or quarterly benefit fairs to shine the spotlight on specific programs and benefits.
  • Creating an employee ambassador program, where your best internal promoters may be the employees themselves.
  • Sharing personal stories in newsletters or blog articles about how benefits have impacted your employees.
  • Communicating about employee benefits via your intranet, employee newsletter, or town hall meetings.

If you’d like to learn more about how Portico’s benefit programs can help you attract and retain your employees, visit porticobenefits.org or contact Ross Eichelberger, VP of Business Development, at 612-752-4062 or REichelberger@porticobenefits.org.

1Hamilton, Kelly M. M.S., Sandhu, Reetu, PhD. Hamill, Laura, PhD (2019). The Science of Care. Limeade. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from https://www.limeade.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/LimeadeInstitute_TheScienceOfCare_Whitepaper_Web.pdf

2Meister, Jeanne (2021). The Future Of Work: Offering Employee Well-Being Benefits Can Stem The Great Resignation. Forbes.com. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeannemeister/2021/12/16/the-future-of-work-offering-employee-well-being-benefits-can-stem-the-great-resignation/?sh=3190e6c45a1f

Portico assumes no responsibility for the content, claims, representations, or accuracy of the material contained in the web link sites. Portico does not endorse the content of the sites or the organizations sponsoring the website.

Portico Benefit Services maintains the ELCA Medical and Dental Benefits Plan (which includes the ELCA post-retirement medical benefits obligation), ELCA Retirement Plan, ELCA Retirement Savings Plan, ELCA Disability Benefits Plan, ELCA Survivor Benefits Plan, and ELCA Flexible Benefits Plan. Portico also maintains two group retirement plans for ELCA-affiliated social ministry organizations – the ELCA Master Institutional Retirement Plan and the ELCA 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. Plan member rights under the plans are governed by the plan documents, which are the full, legal descriptions of the plans. If any information herein is inconsistent with the corresponding plan document, the plan document is the controlling document.

This article was originally published by Portico Benefit Services.

Today’s Front Line Hero: Lutheran Life Villages

May 20, 2020

Today’s Front Line Hero is Lutheran Life Villages, which is committed to keeping seniors healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lutheran Life Villages is a senior living facility with four campuses in Northeast Indiana. In addition to an array of senior living options, Lutheran Life Villages offers creative programming such as no contact boxing for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, and a Foster Grandparent program, which matches seniors with low-income children in the community who are at risk of falling behind in school. They are committed to holistic care for seniors, and to building intergenerational relationships in the community.

Lutheran Life Villages recognizes the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the enhanced risk for seniors and individuals with chronic conditions. To keep their residents safe, Lutheran Life Villages is taking necessary precautions, including restricting access, monitoring staff health, increasing their inventory of medical supplies, and communicating regularly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their local and state health departments. The increased need for personal protective equipment is unprecedented, and Lutheran Life Villages is working to obtain needed supplies. President and CEO Alex Kiefer is forging new partnerships to gain those supplies, and has made trips to car manufacturing plants to pick up gowns and other supplies that are otherwise difficult to find.

Thank you to Lutheran Life Villages for your dedication to the seniors in your community!

Renada Johnson Joins Us to Lead the Results Innovation Lab, Launch of Results Network Year 3

June 28, 2022

Renada Johnson joined Lutheran Services in America as the Director of the Children, Youth and Family Practice in June. Renada has more than 20 years of experience in child welfare, nonprofit, social justice and community engagement, most recently serving as the Director of Youth and Birth Family Engagement at the National Center for Children and Families in Washington D.C.

Renada will lead the Results Network and the Family Stabilization Initiative, two prominent initiatives in the Results Innovation Lab (“The Lab”) committed to empowering families and transforming policy and practice in the child welfare system. The Lab recognizes the key role that providers have in transforming policy and practice and engages leaders from across our network to address the racial disparities in the child welfare system. Together with partners from academia, philanthropy and others, we are working towards transformative change!

Launched in January 2021, our Family Stabilization Initiative is a three-year project where we are awarding $2.9 million in grants to organizations in our network located in four target states: Alaska, Montana, South Dakota and Washington. The work under this initiative expands services in underserved communities in the target states and activates community networks to address the disproportionate number of children of color separated from their families.

The Results Network is a three-year initiative dedicated to stabilizing families in crisis so more families can remain safe, strong and together and children across the United States have the opportunity to thrive and grow up to be healthy, productive adults. Using a variety of data-drive strategies we build the capacity of nonprofit leaders to lead broadscale change in their organizations and communities.  Launched in July 2020, 48 nonprofit leaders from 15 communities across the country have joined together to explore what will it take to ensure that all children regardless of race or ZIP code are given the opportunity to thrive in stable loving families.

We are in the process of launching a new cohort: Results Network Year 3. If you would like to be part of this exciting opportunity, please contact Renada Johnson for more information.

Honoring Juneteenth

June 17, 2022

Valery Trigsted: Teen Leader, Entrepreneur, and Intern at Concordia Place

February 10, 2021

By Emily Gross, Senior Manager of Program Development and Outreach

Growing up in the Avondale neighborhood in Chicago, high school senior Valery Trigsted first heard about Concordia Place when she was 13. At the time, some friends from school told her about Emerging Leaders, a program they were enrolled in that empowers teens through service-learning projects. Seeking something she could get involved in after school, Valery joined her friends in the program and started spending time at Concordia Place cooking, creating arts and crafts, and gardening. What Valery did not realize is this was just the beginning of a five-year journey that would make her a leader among her peers.

Valery’s experience at Concordia Place came at a significant time in her life, after her father passed away when she was in the seventh grade. Through the program, she collaborated with other young people who she says are now her best friends, many of whom she knew from her school but had not had the opportunity to connect with otherwise. “Concordia Place was like a second home for me,” says Valery, “The people there made me who I am and made me feel comfortable and safe.”

Staff noticed early on Valery’s potential. Within one year of her joining Emerging Leaders, they offered her an internship with Ruckus Entrepreneurs, a program that gives youth ages 16-18 a unique opportunity to manage a socially responsible small business. Valery was just 14 when she began her internship.

Ruckus Entrepreneurs create and sell their own handcrafted body care products fashioned from organic, sustainable, and local ingredients whenever possible. Products include natural soaps, non-aluminum deodorants, and shea and lip balms. The business also gives back to the community through “Buy One, Give One” – with every purchase of a Ruckus body care product, they donate a product to an organization serving people in need.

Through her internship, Valery has learned product management and marketing and recently had her first foray into web design. After COVID-19, the Ruckus team explored online sales options and Valery has helped present several design options to Concordia Place leadership. She has also learned new communication skills that help her flourish as a leader. “Being a part of Concordia was probably the best decision I ever made. I was shy and timid before joining and it really brought me out of my comfort zone in different times. The people you meet, the different opportunities, and seeing how much people care about you – I couldn’t turn that down.”

Valery is now using her leadership skills to engage the greater community and help others. She recently joined the Thrive Teen Advisory Board in Chicago and is also an organizer for the Midwest Workers Association, an advocacy initiative focused on the needs of South Side residents. When asked what her goals are for the future, Valery says, “I wish to instill change where I see fit and remove the disparities that are in place right now for various reasons.”

Valery’s time at Concordia Place will soon come to an end; she is now 18 and will graduate high school this year. As she reflects on her internship and Emerging Leaders, she said she will no doubt carry her experiences forward. “Their goal is to create leaders, and that’s what they did with me.”

Concordia Place is a member of the Lutheran Services in America network and provides growth and opportunity to 800 children, teens, and adults each year, no matter their age or circumstance. To find out more, please visit their website www.concordiaplace.org.